勇氣不是單一的行動勇氣是面對不可能贏的情況還天天起床戰鬥 《也許你該找人聊聊》作者蘿蕊‧葛利布力薦★《早安美國》2020年最受讀者喜愛的讀物★獲選紐約《新聞週刊》最富有啟發的三十本讀物吉爾迪娜堪稱是一名極為出色的治療師與作家。本書精采地捕捉到心理師被允許進入人們生活內在層面,同時看著人們逐漸成為自己該有的樣子時所帶來的意義。——《也許你該找人聊聊》(Maybe You Should Talk to Someone)作者蘿蕊‧葛利布(Lori Gottlieb)這五個背景不同的治療故事提醒著我們,在走過創傷的路上,如何從灰心、傷心的狀態中,練習擁抱信心與希望;同時,在療癒的漫長路途上,許多時候,個案其實才是治療者最好的老師。——蘇益賢|臨床心理師周慕姿|諮商心理師周志健|資深心理師、故事療癒作家洪仲清|臨床心理師海苔熊|心理作家馬躍比吼Mayaw Biho|紀錄片導演蘇絢慧|諮商心理師、作家蘇益賢|臨床心理師——推薦如果大野狼與祖母是同一個人,小紅帽該如何順利長大?凱瑟琳‧吉爾迪娜遙想她開業的第一天,便滿懷抱負期待以一身的心理學知識來「治癒」病患。沒料到踏進診療室的第一位個案就跌破她眼鏡,不僅拒絕分享家族史,還對何謂壓力沒有任何概念。從這名個案開始,凱瑟琳逐漸明白做為一名臨床心理師,與其期望自己能讓病患痊癒,不如與個案一起解決問題,引領他們來到理解自己的大門前——重要的是,陪伴病患直到他們願意走向自己的那一刻。本書為一名心理師從新手到年屆退休的二十五年間,不斷在心理學理論與臨床實作間犯錯及調整的過程。作者也記錄下五名來自不同種族、性向及階級的個案,他們在童年曾被遺棄、忽視、虐待,甚至遭受慘絕人道的種族滅絕政策。雖然看似成功克服逆境順利長大,童年的創傷卻在某刻甦醒,使他們的人生再度迷航——|一位以為心理諮商能迅速緩解生活壓力,以便治療皰疹問題的美麗女性,意外揭開的是兒時慘遭父親遺棄,獨自帶著弟妹生活的悲慘童年|飽受性功能障礙困擾的華裔樂手,以音樂感動無數聽眾,音樂卻也領著他走進母親兒時在越南鴉片館受虐的不堪經歷|加拿大寄宿學校種族滅絕政策的受害者,離開了家也背離了原住民傳統獵人文化,成為一名戴著白色面具卻連妻兒意外身亡都了無情緒的盡責職員|擁有一位長年將殺人魔泰德・邦迪視為楷模的父親,為了讓自己與妹妹脫離父親性虐待的魔掌,她讓其他人格來接管自己的生活|生於富有
From a New York Times best-selling author, psychotherapist, and national advice columnist, a hilarious, thought-provoking, and surprising new book that takes us behind the scenes of a therapist’s worl
Ever wonder what your therapist is really thinking? Now you can find out … Meet Lori Gottlieb, an insightful and compassionate therapist whose clients present with all kinds of problems. There’s the s
A TIME magazine Must-Read Book of the YearEver wonder what your therapist is thinking? Now you can find out, as therapist and New York Times bestselling author Lori Gottlieb takes us behind the scenes of her practice - where her patients are looking for answers (and so is she). When a personal crisis causes her world to come crashing down, Lori Gottlieb - an experienced therapist with a thriving practice in Los Angeles - is suddenly adrift. Enter Wendell, himself a veteran therapist with an unconventional style, whose sessions with Gottlieb will prove transformative for her.As Gottlieb explores the inner chambers of her own patients' lives - a self-absorbed Hollywood producer, a young newlywed diagnosed with a terminal illness, a senior citizen who feels she has nothing to live for, and a self-destructive twenty-something who can't stop hooking up with the wrong guys - she finds that the questions they are struggling with are the very questions she is bringing to Wendell. Taking place
A "must-read" (The Washington Post) funny and practical guide to help you find, build, and keep the relationship of your dreams. Have you ever looked around and wondered, "Why has everyone found love except me?" You're not the only one. Great relationships don't just appear in our lives--they're the culmination of a series of decisions, including whom to date, how to end it with the wrong person, and when to commit to the right one. But our brains often get in the way. We make poor decisions, which thwart us on our quest to find lasting love. Drawing from years of research, behavioral scientist turned dating coach Logan Ury reveals the hidden forces that cause those mistakes. But awareness on its own doesn't lead to results. You have to actually change your behavior. Ury shows you how. This "simple-to-use guide" (Lori Gottlieb, New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone) focuses on a different decision in each chapter, incorporating insights from behavioral s
INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!Now being developed as a television series with Eva Longoria and ABC!"Rarely have I read a book that challenged me to see myself in an entirely new light, and was at the same time laugh-out-loud funny and utterly absorbing." -- Katie Couric"This is a daring, delightful, and transformative book." -- Arianna Huffington, founder, Huffington Post, and founder & CEO, Thrive Global"Wise, warm, smart, and funny. You must read this book." -- Susan Cain, New York Times best-selling author of QuietFrom a New York Times best-selling author, psychotherapist, and national advice columnist, a hilarious, thought-provoking, and surprising new book that takes us behind the scenes of a therapist's world--where her patients are looking for answers (and so is she)One day, Lori Gottlieb is a therapist who helps patients in her Los Angeles practice. The next, a crisis causes her world to come crashing down. Enter Wendell, the quirky but seasoned therapist in whose of&sh