Izzy is really pleased to have been put in charge of the new girl at school. Matilde is French, and Izzy and her friends can’t wait to show her their den and its moth, and to help her avoid school dinners (also known as poison). But Matilde LOVES school dinners and even has seconds! And that’s when they know. Matilde is a spy and she has come to find out their secrets. They must stop her before it’s TOO LATE!!!A brilliant, laugh-out-loud story about everyday school life turned on its head. Clear, appealing black and white illustrations bring the humour to life!Read more of Izzy’s adventures!Baby Aliens Got My TeacherMy Headteacher Is a Vampire RatAttack of the Demon Dinner LadiesTo Wee Or Not To Wee!There’s a Werewolf in my TentThere’s a Yeti in the PlaygroundThe Phantom Lollipop ManIcarus Was Ridiculous
Following his arrest in 1985, it was revealed that John A. Walker, Jr., a US Navy communications specialist, had been selling military secrets to the Soviet Union since first entering the Soviet Embas
As his father nears death in his retirement home in Mexico, John H. Richardson begins to unravel a life filled with drama and secrecy. John Sr. was a CIA "chief of station" on some of the hottest assi
As Katherine Verdery observes, "there's nothing like reading your secret police file to make you wonder who you really are." In 1973 Verdery began her doctoral fieldwork in the Transylva
As Katherine Verdery observes, "there's nothing like reading your secret police file to make you wonder who you really are." In 1973 Verdery began her doctoral fieldwork in the Transylva
Call me naA_ve, but when I was a girl-watching James Bond and devouring Harriet the Spy-all I wanted was to grow up to be a spy. Unlike most kids, I didn't lose my secret-agent aspirations. So as a b
“If Mr. and Mrs. Smith had kids and wrote a parenting book, this is what you’d get: a practical guide for how to utilize key spy tactics to teach kids important life skills—from self-defense to effect
One decision can end everything . . . or lead to unlikely redemption.Millions watched the CBS 60 Minutes special on Jack Barsky in 2015. Now, in this fascinating memoir, the Soviet KGB agent tells his
Between 1994 and 2000, Omar Nasiri worked as a secret agent for Europe’s top foreign intelligence services-including France’s DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité E
“A compelling and invaluable account of life inside al-Qaeda through the eyes of a first-rate spy. This unique narrative throws open the shutters of the secret worlds of terror.”—Lawrence Wright, best
“A compelling and invaluable account of life inside al-Qaeda through the eyes of a first-rate spy. This unique narrative throws open the shutters of the secret worlds of terror.”-- Lawrence Wright, be
Nathan Hale, the author’s historical namesake, was America’s first spy, a Revolutionary War hero who famously said “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” before being hanged by the British. In the Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales series, author Nathan Hale channels his namesake to present history’s roughest, toughest, and craziest stories in the graphic novel format.One Dead Spy tackles the story of Hale himself, who was an officer and spy for the American rebels during the Revolutionary War. Author Hale highlights the unusual, gruesome, and just plain unbelievable truth of historical Nathan Hale—from his early unlucky days at Yale to his later unlucky days as an officer—and America during the Revolutionary War.Praise for Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales: One Dead Spy"An innovative approach to history that will have young people reading with pleasure."—Kirkus Reviews"Readers interested in American history will enjoy these graphic novels... Comic panels of varying siz
Former CIA director John O. Brennan’s New York Times bestselling memoir, spanning his more than thirty years in government, now in paperback.Friday, January 6, 2017: On that day, as always, John Brennan’s alarm clock was set to go off at 4:15 a.m. But nothing else about that day would be routine. That day marked his first and only security briefing with Presidentelect Donald Trump. And it was also the day John Brennan said his final farewell to Owen Brennan, his father, the man who had taught him the lessons of goodness, integrity, and honor that had shaped the course of an unparalleled career serving his country from within the intelligence community.In this brutally honest memoir, Brennan, the son of an Irish immigrant who settled in New Jersey, describes the life that took him from being a young CIA recruit enamored with the mystique of spy work, secretly defiant enough to drive a motorcycle and sport a diamond earring, and invigorated by his travels in the Middle East, to being the
The name’s Charlie Chucky and this is my fifth diary as a 6th grade super spy. Just when life was starting to seem normal, local bully Cooper Stanley shows up bigger, stronger and meaner than ever bef