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Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath (6)
Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath (3)
Bethany Atazadeh (2)
Jack Meggitt-Phillips (1)
Jack Meggitt-Phillips;Isabelle Follath (1)
Jack Meggitt-phillips/ Isabelle Follath (ILT) (1)
傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯-文;伊莎貝爾.托拉斯-圖 (1)
傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯 (1)
傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯-作;花小金井正幸-繪 (1)

Aladdin (5)
HarperCollins Publishers (4)
親子天下 (3)
Egmont Books UK (1)
Grace House Press (1)
HarperCollins Childrens UK (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯-文; 伊莎貝爾.托拉斯-圖  出版社:親子天下  出版日:2023/12/01 裝訂:平裝
羅德.達爾的荒誕趣味X大衛.威廉的溫馨感人售出30餘國版權,充滿轉折與懸疑的新一代幽默幻想經典華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼改編電影即將上映為了永保青春,男人和怪獸締結契約超過五百年,怪獸提供逆齡藥水,而他會為怪獸帶來任何牠想要的東西,但這次怪獸要求的竟是......一個小女孩。資深國小教師 林怡辰|戀風草青少年書房店長 邱慕泥|青少年小說研究專家 張子樟|親職專欄作家 陳安儀|諮商心理師、暢銷作家 陳志恆|教育部閱讀推手 彭遠芬|教育部閱讀推手 曾品方|小兔子書坊店主 黃淑貞|親職溝通作家與講師 羅怡君 好評推薦!◎得獎紀錄:★2022奧森圖書獎(Awesome Book Award)決選★2024美國康乃狄克州豆蔻圖書獎(Nutmeg Book Award)提名★2021-2022美國緬因童書獎閱讀書單(Maine Student Book Award Reading List)◎本書3大特色:特色1 繼羅德.達爾與大衛.威廉後,英國新銳作家傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯打造新一代幽默幻想經典。特色2 角色鮮活立體,搭配生動的插畫、懸疑與轉折的情節,是勾起孩子開啟閱讀樂趣的最佳敲門磚。特色3 透過主角與怪獸的協議,思考生命的長短、財富的多寡與人生價值之間的關係,發人深省。特色4 上市前即售出30餘國版權,改編電影將由華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼操刀。 艾比尼瑟即將迎接屬於他的512歲生日,但他的外表看起來只是一個還不到二十歲的俊美男子。這個祕密來自艾比尼瑟養在閣樓裡的一隻奇特怪獸,瀕臨絕種的渡渡鳥、會唱歌的鸚鵡,甚至是自己飼養的寵物貓……只要是怪獸想吃的東西,艾比尼瑟都會設法帶到牠面前,作為報酬,怪獸則會吐出金錢、逆齡藥水等禮物。然而,隨著兩人締結契約的時間越長,怪獸漸漸無法滿足於普通的食物,開始提出一些困難的要求,這次牠向艾比尼瑟索求的竟是一個可愛多汁的孩子!為了保持青春的外貌,艾比尼瑟來到一所孤兒院裡,他能在這裡順利完成怪獸交辦的任務嗎?或者會發生什麼意想不到的遭遇呢?【少年天下】系列簡介1. 專屬國中生,給10-15歲「輕」少年的閱讀提案。2. 夠酷而不幼稚,能吸引少年的包裝和題材。3. 以少年為本位,提供邁向成長的關鍵字。4. 有深度但無難度,得以思辨的優質文本。◎本書關鍵字:羅德.達爾、大衛.威廉、尼爾.蓋曼、幽默荒誕、生命
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯-作; 花小金井正幸-繪  出版社:親子天下  出版日:2024/05/30 裝訂:平裝
復仇的舞臺已備妥,那個生物回來了……羅德.達爾的荒誕趣味X大衛.威廉的溫馨感人售出30餘國版權,充滿轉折與懸疑的新一代幽默幻想經典華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼改編電影即將上映首刷贈送「怪獸來襲」藏書票,限時珍藏!怪獸消失後,貝瑟妮和艾比尼瑟開始練習當好人。好心的克蘿黛特一邊忙於演出,一邊帶著他們做善事。然而情況不但不如預期,這隻紫鸚鵡還開始越來越像……怪獸?資深國小教師.作家 林怡辰|戀風草青少年書房店長 邱慕泥|青少年小說研究專家 張子樟|親職專欄作家 陳安儀|諮商心理師 陳志恆|教育部閱讀推手 彭遠芬|小兔子書坊店主 黃淑貞|臺北市私立再興小學研究教師 廖淑霞|諮商心理師 蘇絢慧| 讚聲推薦!◎首刷特別版:「怪獸來襲」藏書票組(共2張)*材質:萊卡奇豔*尺寸:7.5 X10cm◎得獎紀錄:★2022奧森圖書獎(Awesome Book Award)決選★2024美國康乃狄克州豆蔻圖書獎(Nutmeg Book Award)提名★2021-2022美國緬因童書獎閱讀書單(Maine Student Book Award Reading List)◎本書4大特色:特色1 繼羅德.達爾與大衛.威廉後,英國新銳作家傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯打造新一代幽默幻想經典。特色2 角色鮮活立體,搭配生動的插畫、懸疑與轉折的情節,是勾起孩子開啟閱讀樂趣的最佳敲門磚。特色3 透過主角們突破自我的過程,對比怪獸唯利是圖的價值觀,提醒我們何謂良善的本質,以及不該以刻板印象評判他人,發人深省。特色4 上市前即售出30餘國版權,改編電影將由華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼操刀。艾比尼瑟在他第512年的人生,終於甩掉殘酷邪惡的怪獸,展開與貝瑟妮、紫鸚鵡克蘿黛特的友誼新生活。貝瑟妮一心想洗刷整人大王的名聲,強迫艾比尼瑟一起當好人,不僅斷捨離怪獸吐出來的寶貝以表決心,還要求他一同到社區當志工。然而,那些怪獸寶貝沒有預想的安分,貝瑟妮的好人之路也備受質疑刁難,艾比尼瑟更無法自拔的竟想念起怪獸。 最詭異的是,忙於演出的克羅黛特突然在彩排暈倒,之後甚至越來越反常,長相和舉止都一天比一天像某個可怕生物!這些不順利究竟是碰巧,還是角落中真有蠢蠢欲動的狠毒陰謀?貝瑟妮與艾比尼瑟是否能攜手幫助鸚鵡好友,或者還有什麼更巨大的難題等著他們?【少年天下】系列簡介1. 專屬國中生,給10-15歲「輕
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯  出版社:親子天下  出版日:2024/11/28 裝訂:平裝
不速之客即將大駕光臨,準備好迎接驚喜了嗎?羅德.達爾的荒誕趣味X大衛.威廉的溫馨感人售出30餘國版權,充滿轉折與懸疑的新一代幽默幻想經典華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼改編電影即將上映怪獸被關起來後,街坊鄰里恢復了和平。麻朵小姐準備幫貝瑟妮開一個盛大的糖果派對。正當所有人在歡慶盛宴時,街道彼端卻有黑暗生物狂奔而來……資深國小教師.作家 林怡辰|戀風草青少年書房店長 邱慕泥| 諮商心理師 陳志恆|暢銷奇幻小說作家 陳郁如| 小兔子書坊店主 黃淑貞|作家&國小校長 顏安秀|諮商心理師 蘇絢慧 ──好評推薦!系列得獎紀錄★2022奧森圖書獎(Awesome Book Award)決選★2024美國康乃狄克州豆蔻圖書獎(Nutmeg Book Award)提名★2021-2022美國緬因童書獎閱讀書單(Maine Student Book Award Reading List)★第46次中小學生讀物選介—文學翻譯類精選之星★第86梯次好書大家讀—文學讀物A組入選★2024前瞻兒童少年翻譯小說推薦書單★2024天下雜誌教育基金會—希望閱讀百本好書入選本書特色特色1 繼羅德.達爾與大衛.威廉後,英國新銳作家傑克.梅吉特-菲利普斯打造新一代幽默幻想經典。特色2 角色鮮活立體,搭配生動的插畫、懸疑與轉折的情節,是勾起孩子開啟閱讀樂趣的最佳敲門磚。特色3 藉由主角們的掙扎,探討如何看待他人的過錯,以及真正的善意要怎麼在利己與利他間取捨平衡。特色4 上市前即售出30餘國版權,改編電影將由華納兄弟與《怪獸與牠的產地》製片大衛.海曼操刀。貝瑟妮和艾比尼瑟以為他們擺脫了怪獸,可以開啟開始平靜安穩的新生活,這時,怪獸卻被朵莉思從牢籠釋放了。祕密特務聲稱這個史上最恐怖的生物已改過自新,要求兩人擔任怪獸的臨時監護人,帶著牠在街頭巷尾作善事。 重生後的怪獸看起來和藹可親,嘔吐物也變得美好可愛,不僅收服街坊鄰居的心,還為艾比尼瑟博得前所未有的好名聲。然而貝瑟妮並不相信怪獸,只覺得這又是一場精心策劃的邪惡計謀,也讓她和艾比尼瑟的友誼再次遭受嚴峻的考驗。與此同時,麻朵小姐準備幫貝瑟妮舉辦一個盛大的糖果派對,洗刷過去她在大家心中惡作劇大王的形象,就在所有人沉浸在熱鬧歡慶的氛圍,城市另一端醞釀著一場大災難。這兩個行善搭檔是否能看清善意背後的真相,阻止向派對襲來的龐大黑影?【少年天下】系列簡介1
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
The Beast and the Bethany #1 (美國版) (精裝書)
作者:Jack Meggitt-phillips; Isabelle Follath (ILT)  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2020/12/08 裝訂:精裝
Lemony Snicket meets Roald Dahl in this riotously funny, deliciously macabre, and highly illustrated tale of a hungry beast, a vain immortal man, and a not-so-charming little girl who doesn't know she
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips  出版社:DASAN EEORINI  出版日:2022/11/28 裝訂:精裝
定價:3150 元, 優惠價:1 3150
The Beast and the Bethany Book #1 (美國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2021/12/14 裝訂:平裝
Lemony Snicket meets Roald Dahl in this "wickedly funny" (James Ponti, New York Times bestselling author), deliciously macabre, and highly illustrated tale of a hungry beast, a vain immortal man, and a not-so-charming little girl who doesn't know she's about to be eaten. Beauty comes at a price. And no one knows that better than Ebenezer Tweezer, who has stayed beautiful for 511 years. How, you may wonder? Ebenezer simply has to feed the beast in the attic of his mansion. In return for meals of performing monkeys, statues of Winston Churchill, and the occasional cactus, Ebenezer gets potions that keep him young and beautiful, as well as other presents. But the beast grows ever greedier with each meal, and one day he announces that he'd like to eat a nice, juicy child next. Ebenezer has never done anything quite this terrible to hold onto his wonderful life. Still, he finds the absolutely snottiest, naughtiest, and most frankly unpleasant child he can and prepares to feed her to the bea
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
The Beast and the Bethany Despicable Collection (3 titles)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2024/04/09 裝訂:平裝
Lemony Snicket meets Roald Dahl in this "wickedly funny" (James Ponti, New York Times bestselling author), deliciously macabre, and highly illustrated middle grade series about a hungry beast, a vain immortal man, and a not-so-charming little girl. Beauty comes at a price. And no one knows that better than Ebenezer Tweezer, who has stayed beautiful for 511 years. How, you may wonder? Ebenezer simply has to feed the beast in the attic of his mansion. In return for meals of performing monkeys, statues of Winston Churchill, and the occasional cactus, Ebenezer gets potions that keep him young and beautiful, as well as other presents. But the beast grows ever greedier with each meal, and one day he announces that he'd like to eat a nice, juicy child next. Ebenezer has never done anything quite this terrible to hold onto his wonderful life. Still, he finds the absolutely snottiest, naughtiest, and most frankly unpleasant child he can and prepares to feed her to the beast. The child, Bethany,
定價:988 元, 優惠價:79 781
The Beast and the Bethany #1 (英國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:Egmont Books UK  出版日:2020/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Reads like a modern classic. Sharp, funny, original - I thought this was brilliant' - Sam Copeland, author of the bestselling Charlie Changes into a Chicken 'What a FEAST! A funny and (bone) cracking
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Battle of the Beast (The Beast and the Bethany #3) (美國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2024/01/23 裝訂:平裝
Lemony Snicket meets Roald Dahl in this "fresh game of cat and mouse" (Kirkus Reviews) that's the riotously funny, deliciously macabre, and highly illustrated third book in the middle grade The Beast and the Bethany series in which Bethany and Ebenezer find themselves with a surprising new roommate: the beast itself. After being vanquished in spectacular fashion that included an umbrella with human-puddling capabilities and a darn good show, the beast is transferred to a hidden island and placed in an impenetrable cage where it can no longer hurt anyone or carry out its dastardly plan to make Bethany its next meal. Meaning Bethany and Ebenezer's lives are finally beast free and they can pursue their do-gooding activities in peace--even if the "gooding" part is questionable. But when it's revealed that the beast has lost its memory and D.0.R.R.I.S. declares that it's no longer dangerous, the beast is delivered back where it came from: Ebenezer and Bethany's house. Can the beast really b
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Battle of the Beast (The Beast and the Bethany #3) (英國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2022/10/13 裝訂:平裝
Funny illustrated gothic middle-grade award-winning humour for 8+ readers, new look for 2023!The third beastly book in the deliciously gruesome and hilarious series by Jack Meggitt-Phillips, perfect for little beasts aged 8-12.'Reads like a modern classic. Sharp, funny, original – I thought this was brilliant', Sam Copeland, bestselling author of Charlie Changes into a Chicken on The Beast and the BethanyThe beast, who has tried to eat Bethany twice and controlled Ebenezer Tweezer for 511 years, is now in prison.Even better, it seems to have lost its despicable mind and is pinky-winky promising to be a do-gooding beast, vomit out helpful gifts, and be besties with Bethany and Ebenezer.There’s really no sign of the old beast at all any more, as long as you don’t count that hungry belly which still needs feeding…Outrageously funny and deliciously dark, this series is perfect for readers aged 8-12 and fans of Roald Dahl and Lemony Snicket
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Revenge of the Beast (The Beast and the Bethany #2) (美國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2022/12/13 裝訂:平裝
Lemony Snicket meets Roald Dahl in this "wickedly funny" (Kirkus Reviews), deliciously macabre, and highly illustrated sequel to The Beast and the Bethany in which Bethany and Ebenezer try to turn over a new leaf, only to have someone--or something--thwart them at every turn. Once upon a very badly behaved time, 511-year-old Ebenezer kept a beast in his attic. He would feed the beast all manner of objects and creatures and in return the beast would vomit him up expensive presents. But then the Bethany arrived. Now notorious prankster Bethany, along with her new feathery friend Claudette, is determined that she and Ebenezer are going to de-beast their lives and Do Good. But Bethany finds that being a former prankster makes it hard to get taken on for voluntary work. And Ebenezer secretly misses the beast's vomity gifts. And neither of them is all that sure what "good people" do anyway. Then there's Claudette, who's not been feeling herself recently. Has she eaten something that has disa
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Revenge of the Beast (The Beast and the Bethany #2) (英國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2021/09/30 裝訂:平裝
Funny illustrated gothic middle-grade award-winning humour for 8+ readers, new look for 2023!The book that bites back is BACK! In the second beastly book from Jack Meggit-Phillips, the most distinctive new voice for readers of 8-12, revenge is a dish best served with a surprise …'Reads like a modern classic. Sharp, funny, original – I thought this was brilliant', Sam Copeland, bestselling author of Charlie Changes into a ChickenOnce upon a very badly behaved time, 511-year-old Ebenezer kept a beast in his attic. He would feed the beast all manner of objects and creatures and in return the beast would vomit him up expensive presents. But then The Bethany arrived …Now notorious prankster Bethany, along with her new feathery friend Claudette, is determined that she and Ebenezer are going to DE-BEAST their lives and Do Good. But Bethany finds that being a notorious prankster makes it hard to get taken on for voluntary work. And Ebenezer is secretly missing the beast's vomity gifts. And nei
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Child of the Beast (The Beast and the Bethany #4) (英國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2023/09/28 裝訂:平裝
Funny illustrated gothic middle-grade MG award-winning humour, new in the series for 2023!The book that bites back is BACK! In the fourth beastly book from Jack Meggit-Phillips, the most distinctive new voice for readers of 8-12, there are surprises in store for Bethany about her missing family…For centuries, the beast has tormented the world. But now, there’s a change to a menu, and the beast is going cold turkey – which essentially means eating no priceless works of art . . . or purple parrots . . . or CHILD-SIZED PRANKSTERS.Ebenezer and Bethany are attempting to help the beast vomit some good into the world – even though they really haven’t come anywhere close to managing the business of do-gooding themselves. But Bethany is distracted by her date-not-a-date with Geoffrey, while Ebenezer is worried by a file which reveals a truth about Bethany’s parents that might just ruin life for everyone at the 15-storey house . . .The beast is left to teach itself how to be good. But its impuls
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Final Feast (The Beast and the Bethany #5) (英國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2024/09/26 裝訂:平裝
Funny illustrated gothic middle-grade award-winning humour for 8+ readers, new in the series for 2024!The nation’s favourite blended beastly family is BACK for the fifth and FINAL book of the series from multiple award-winning author Jack Meggitt-Phillips'Reads like a modern classic. Sharp, funny, original – I thought this was brilliant', Sam Copeland, bestselling author of Charlie Changes into a Chicken on The Beast and The BethanyEbenezer Tweezer has spent the best part of 512 years doing whatever he wanted, but that all changed when he met Bethany – a rude, snotty-nosed prankster. Ebenezer has come to care for this strange, slightly smelly little scowler more than he has cared about anyone or anything before.It’s just as well, because when this story begins, Bethany needs a friend. She has just discovered that her parents Augustus and Gemima were dreadful criminals before they died in an only slightly more dreadful fire.Except – it seems her father did NOT die at all. Augustus retur
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Beast and the Bethany 1-5 (共5本)(英國版)
作者:Jack Meggitt-Phillips; Isabelle Follath  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2024/09/26 裝訂:平裝
9781405298889 The Beast and the Bethany #1 (英國版)9781405298919 Revenge of the Beast (The Beast and the Bethany #2) (英國版)9781405298933 Battle of the Beast (The Beast and the Bethan #3) (英國版)9780008568177 Child of the Beast (The Beast and the Bethany #4) (英國版)9780008568207 The Final Feast (The Beast and the Bethany #5) (英國版)
定價:2195 元, 優惠價:79 1734
The Cursed Hunter:A Beauty and the Beast Retelling
作者:Bethany Atazadeh  出版社:Grace House Press  出版日:2020/06/30 裝訂:精裝
定價:1020 元, 優惠價:95 969
作者:Bethany Atazadeh  出版社:STORM KING PROD  出版日:2023/08/21 裝訂:平裝
定價:750 元, 優惠價:1 750



