★榮獲丹麥國家級的「Food and Media Award」!一場味覺科學的新突破!科學新知+經典食譜=讓人垂涎三尺的美味祕密!★完全解析「鮮味」的道理「肉質鮮嫩」、「鮮甜多汁」、「新鮮可口」……在現今飲食世界裡,「鮮味」幾乎等於「美味」的代名詞──但是你能精確形容「鮮」是什麼味道嗎?在過去,我們只承認「酸、甜、苦、鹹」四種基本味道,透過巧妙的組合和技巧,創造出各式美味佳餚。然而,在過去的半個世
It started with a drowning. Deep in the heart of Mexico City, where five houses cluster around a sun-drenched courtyard, lives Ana, a precocious 12-year-old still coming to terms with the mysterious d
It started with a drowning. Deep in the heart of Mexico City, where five houses cluster around a sun-drenched courtyard, lives Ana, a precocious twelve-year-old still coming to terms with the myster
Deep in mourning, twelve-year-old Ana and her neighbors would like nothing more than to turn time around.There’s Ana’s best friend’s mum, who fled, leaving behind a letter her dad refuses to share. Th