The second edition of this guide to genre fiction, updated to reflect new titles and literary trends, is designed for librarians who need to respond to reader's requests and tastes. The author separat
Morris (information science and technology, Drexel U.) provides readers' advisory librarians with a guide to urban fiction that helps them gain an understanding of the genre as professionals and reade
Part of the ALA series designed to provide resources and support to library reader advisers, this second edition has been updated to reflect the current trends in horror fiction including vampire fict
Intended for librarians, library staff doing readers' advisory, and LIS students, this book explores research on readers' advisory services both from the perspective of a review of new research and th
Instructs librarians in matching readers with books of specific genres, and gives tips on expanding readers' horizons beyond one or two genres. Fifteen popular genres, from psychological suspense and
Three librarians from Scottsdale, Arizona provide library staff with an introduction to the mystery genre and offer tips and techniques for providing advice to mystery readers in the library. They inc
Science fiction and fantasy and their various subgenres are summarized, and recommended books in each subgenre are described, in this guide for librarians unfamiliar with science fiction and fantasy.