In this book Janice Ewurama De-Whyte offers a reading of the Hebrew Bible barrenness narratives. Barrenness was the threat to female honour and the lineage’s continuity. Therefore, the word “wom(b)an”
Closing in on the end of his career, much of it devoted to the Gospel of John, Moloney (theology and religious studies, Catholic U. of America, Washington, DC) here compiles 15 previously published st
Jubilee in the Bible: Using the theology of Jürgen Moltmann to find a new hermeneutic combines biblical studies with modern theology and has an orientation towards the Church. This is the first book o
This book offers a study of the meaning of the firstborn son in the New Testament paying specific attention to the concept of primogeniture in the Old Testament and Jewish literature.
In Hearing Kyriotic Sonship Michael Whitenton approaches the characterization of Mark’s Jesus from an interdisciplinary perspective and argues that many first-century listeners probably understood him
First large-scale investigation into the attitude of the historical Jesus towards covenant belief, the dominant theme of the Judaism of Jesus' day. The question intensively illuminates Jesus' relation
In Biblical Exegesis without Authorial Intention? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Authorship and Meaning, Clarissa Breu offers contributions with a wide range of approaches to the question of the auth
In The Fourth Gospel and the Manufacture of Minds, Tyler Smith offers an account of how conventions for representing minds in ancient historiography, biography, romance, and drama illuminate the cogni
In Speech-in-Character, Diatribe, and Romans 3:1-9, Justin King focuses on the rhetorical skill of speech-in-character to identify which voice speaks which lines in Paul’s diatribal dialogue in Romans
A resource for using rhetorical criticism as a methodology for interpreting the literary character of the Bible, providing a comprehensive bibliography for each testament. While the focus of the bibli
In Interpreting New Testament Narratives, Eric Douglass examines how narratives function as communication from the author. After locating the text in the worldview of the intended audience, readers cr
In The Function of the Speeches in the Acts of the Apostles, interrelations of the speeches are analyzed in two major groups: the group of topic speeches, and the group of structural speeches.
A specialist in the Old Testament Book of Job, Pelham (Luther Seminary, Minnesota) argues that it explores creation, inquires into the nature of the created world and the identity of its creator, asks
In a revision of his 2010 PhD dissertation at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, Nygaard (biblical studies, Fjellhaug International U. College, Norway) proposes that it is possible to describe the
Sheridan (Charles Sturt U., Australia) has revised her 2011 PhD dissertation in biblical studies at Australian Catholic University to make it accessible to a wider academic readership. She explores th
Zeelander (U. of Pennsylvania) selected 38 short narratives from Genesis for this analysis of the methods used to construct endings to stories, revealing the connection of the endings to ritual in man
This volume provides a systematic and detailed narrative critical analysis of John 13:1-17:26. The results are integrated in order to indicate a particular perspective on discipleship.
Ancient Jewish Interpreters read and rewrote the biblical narrative of the Tower of Babel to address various challenges to the identity of 'Israel' in the Second Temple and early rabbinic periods.
In Between Biblical Criticism and Poetic Rewriting, Samuel Tongue offers an account of how poetic rewritings of the Bible question the disciplinary constitution of Biblical Studies, ultimately demonst
In The Characterization of Jesus in the Book of Hebrews Brian Small applies the tools of literary and rhetorical criticism to reconstruct the author of Hebrew’s portrayal of Jesus’ character.