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* Why there were so many bloody riots in Tibet?

* Where will the Tibet issue lead to?

* Will Tibet be independent?

* Why the West is so enthusiastic for helping Tibetans gain independence?



1. What Made Me Write This Book?

2. I Undertook What I Had Deemed Impossible

3. Contradictory Values

4. Perplexity Brought by Information

PART INature and History of Tibet

Chapter I Tibet -- Not a Paradise for Immigrants

1. Life Endangered by Anoxia

2. Exhausted Resources of Farming, Forestry and Animal Husbandry

3. Tibet Is of Insignificant Economic Value

Chapter II Serfs and Slaves Did Not Have Human Rights

1. ""Benevolent"" Serfdom

2. Serfs Had No Human Freedom

3. Illusory Happiness

4. Darkness, Savagery, Cruelty and Reactionary Nature of Serfdom in Tibet

Chapter III Backward and Stagnant Society

1. Primitive Poverty

2. Blank Space in Science and Technology

Chapter IV Religion: Shackles to Tibet

1. Different Cultural Psychological Structure Between Tibetans and Hans

2. Political Life in Tibet

3. Shackles to Tibet

Chapter V Has Tibet Been Independent since Ancient Times?

1. A Fairy Tale about the ""Princess Fairy Tale""

2. Isn't the Yuan Dynasty Chinese?

3. The Ming Dynasty and Sovereignty

4. Ordinances in the Qing Dynasty

5. Is It Sovereignty or Suzerainty?

6. Isn't the Qing Dynasty Chinese?

PART II The Origin of the Issue of Tibet

Chapter VI The Invasion of the British Colonialists

1. The Rivalry between Britain and Russia over Tibet

2.The First Expel of Hans

3.The Simla Plot

4. ""Sovereignty in Oral Form"" and Legal Facts

Chapter VII From the 17-Article Agreement to the 1959 Rebellion

1. The United Nations Looked on Indifferently

2. The 17-Article Agreement

3. The Failure of Incrementalism

4. Truths and Disputes

5. Active Interference of the UN

Chapter VIII From Quelling Rebellions and Democratic Reform to the Cultural Revolution

1. Who Tore up the 17-Article Agreement ?

2. The Democratic Reform

3. Broadened the Scope in Quelling Rebellions

4. Did the CPC Wipe Out 1.2 Million Tibetans?

5. The Cultural Revolution

PART III Deng Xiaoping's Mollification Policy

Chapter IX Restoration of Order

1. The Origin of the the Mollification Policy

2. Offensives and Defensives between Hu Yaobang and Yin Fatang

3. Rectification of Wrong Cases, United Front Work and Allocation of Land

4. Promotions, Employment and Payment

5. The Revival of Religion

6. Flourishing Tibetan Culture

7. Education and the Tibetan Language

8. Health and Fertility

9. Construction and Shows

10.Blood Transfusion and Tumours

Chapter X Setting in Motion the Wheel of Dharma

1. Fears and Worship

2. Rise and Fall of Maoism

3. Religions and Culture

4. Farmers and Herders Are Not Concerned about Independence

5. Tibetan Elite Requited Kindness with Enmity

6. Reverse Racial Discrimination

7. Tibetan Urban Residents Are Never Satisfied

8. Some Lamas and Nuns -- Major Force behind the Independence of Tibet

Chapter XI Violent ""Peaceful Demonstration""

1. October 1, 1987: Burning the Police Station

2. What if it had happened in the United States?

3. March 5,1988: Major Turbulence in Jo-khang Temple

4. Death of the Panchen

5. March 1989: Enforcement of Martial Law in Lhasa

6. The 1990s: Carrots and Big Clubs

PART IV The New Cold War

Chapter XII A Continuing Cold War

1. From Capitol Hill to Oslo

2. From Pro-cold War to New-Cold War

3. From Double Standards to Catch 22

4. From Religious Persecution to the Separation of Government and Religion

5. From the ""June 4th incident"" to ""November 1""

Chapter XIII Where is the Dalai Lama Heading?

1. The Mythology of ""Greater Tibet""

2. The Disaster of the Independence of Tibet

3. Goldstein's Illusion

4. The Fraud of the Dalai Lama

5. The Future of Tibet





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