ONE OF THE MOST SPOKEN DIALECTS in China, Southeast Asia, and globally, Cantonese was nevertheless deemed a local dialect enjoying little prestige among the intellectuals. Not much was recorded in official documents or gazetteers about the early history of Hong Kong. The Cantonese language and its origin remained much of a mystery until the mid-20th century when scholars started to accord it with increasing attention. Thanks to dedicated efforts of early missionaries, pedagogues, and linguists, we can now trace back the evolution of modern Cantonese since the 19th century— how differences in sounds, words, and grammar distinguish the old from contemporary speech today. In this book, Hung-nin Samuel Cheung, an acclaimed scholar on the study of Cantonese, offers profound insights to various firsthand century-old materials including language manuals, Bible translations, and maps of Hong Kong, with findings that will be useful for ongoing efforts to study the development of
本書選編了三部有關毛澤東早期經歷的稀見傳記史料—● 美國記者斯諾在《紅星照耀中國》成書前,採訪並記錄毛澤東自述而成的《毛澤東自傳》● 毛澤東少年時的同學蕭三從延安時期開始撰寫的《毛澤東同志的青少年時代和初期革命活動》● 曾為毛澤東同學、朋友的蕭瑜,五十年代在美國出版的《毛澤東和我的乞丐生涯》(Mao Tse-tung and I were Beggars)這些傳記撰寫時間較早,作者或是外國記者,或是毛澤東青少年時期的舊友。今天讀來,這些成書較早的素材具有真實樸素的原始史料價值;對讀者了解毛澤東的早期經歷和相關歷史,也有助益。