ICU急症醫學以往僅由一位作者撰寫,在此版中,出現有第二名作者Dr. Kenneth Sutin,他負責撰述本書最後的13個章節。Ken及本文作者是多年好友,在重症照護領域中有共同的見解,而由於他的加入與貢獻,更增添本書的豐富及可看性。
ICU急症醫學以往僅由一位作者撰寫,在此版中,出現有第二名作者Dr. Kenneth Sutin,他負責撰述本書最後的13個章節。Ken及本文作者是多年好友,在重症照護領域中有共同的見解,而由於他的加入與貢獻,更增添本書的豐富及可看性。
基礎科學複習 (Basic Science Review)
1. 血流循環 (Circulatory Blood Flow) 3
2. 氧氣與二氧化碳的運送 (Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport) 21
重症病患的預防措施 (Preventive Practices in the Critically III)
3. 加護病房的感染控制 (Infection Control in the ICU) 41
4. 腸胃道感染的預防 (Alimentary Prophylaxis) 63
5. 靜脈血栓栓塞症 (Venous Thromboembolism) 81
血管管路 (Vascular Access)
6. 建立靜脈通路 (Establishing Venous Access) 107
7. 血管內留置導管 (The Indwelling Vascular Catheter) 129
血液動力學監測 (Hemodynamic Monitoring)
8. 動脈血壓 (Arterial Blood Pressure) 151
9. 肺動脈導管 (The Pulmonary Artery Catheter) 163
10. 中心靜脈壓與楔型壓 (Central Venous Pressure and Wedge Pressure) 181
11. 組織含氧度 (Tissue Oxygenation) 193
循環系統異常 (Disorders of Circulatory Flow)
12. 出血及低血量 (Hemorrhage and Hypovolemia) 211
13. 膠質液與晶質液的復甦治療 (Colloid and Crystalloid Resuscitation) 233
14. 急性心臟衰竭症候群 (Acute Heart Failure Syndromes) 255
15. 心跳停止 (Cardiac Arrest) 277
16. 血流動力藥物輸注 (Hemodynamic Drug Infusions) 297
重症心臟學照護 (Critical Care Cardiology)
17. 急性冠狀動脈症候群的早期處理
(Early Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes) 317
18. 心搏過速型心律不整 (Tachyarrhythmias) 343
急性呼吸衰竭 (Acute Respiratory Failure)
19. 低血氧症及高二氧化碳症 (Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia) 367
20. 氧定量法及二氧化碳偵測儀 (Oximetry and Capnography) 385
21. 氧氣吸入治療 (Oxygen Inhalation Therapy) 403
22. 急性呼吸窘迫症候群 (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) 419
23. 重度氣道阻塞 (Severe Airflow Obstruction) 437
機械換氣系統 (Mechanical Ventilation)
24. 機械換氣的原理 (Principles of Mechanical Ventilation) 457
25. 呼吸器的模式 (Modes of Assisted Ventilation) 473
26. 依賴呼吸器的患者 (The Ventilator-Dependent Patient) 491
27. 中止呼吸器 (Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation) 511
酸鹼值異常 (Acid-Base Disorders)
28. 酸鹼判讀 (Acid-Base Interpretations) 531
29. 有機酸中毒 (Organic Acidoses) 547
30. 代謝性鹼中毒 (Metabolic Alkalosis) 565
腎臟功能及電解質異常 (Renal and Electrolyte Disorders)
31. 寡尿與急性腎衰竭 (Oliguria and Acute Renal Failure) 579
32. 高滲透壓與低滲透壓狀態 (Hypertonic and Hypotonic Conditions) 595
33. 鉀 (Potassium) 611
34. 鎂 (Magnesium) 625
35. 鈣離子和磷酸鹽 (Calcium and Phosphorous) 639
重症照護輸血準則 (Transfusion Practices in Critical Care)
36. 加護病房病人貧血與紅血球輸血治療
(Anemia and Red Blood Cell Transfusions in the ICU) 659
37. 血小板與急重症病人 (Platelets in Critical Illness) 681
體溫疾病 (Disorders of Body Temperature)
38. 體溫過高與體溫過低症候群 (Hyperthermia and Hypothermia Syndromes) 697
39. 加護病房發燒 (Fever in the ICU) 713
加護病房發炎及感染 (Inflammation and Infection in the ICU)
40. 感染、發炎和多重器官損傷 (Infection, Inflammation, and Multiorgan Injury) 737
41. 加護病房肺炎 (Pneumonia in the ICU) 749
42. 源於腹部及骨盆的敗血症 (Sepsis from the Abdomen and Pelvis) 769
43. 免疫功能不全的病患 (The Immunocompromised Patient) 783
44. 抗生素治療 (Antimicrobial Therapy) 801
營養與代謝 (Nutrition and Metabolism)
45. 新陳代謝基質之需求 (Metabolic Substrate Requirements) 823
46. 腸道灌食 (Enteral Tube Feeding) 841
47. 靜脈營養 (Parenteral Nutrition) 859
48. 腎上腺及甲狀腺功能障礙 (Adrenal and Thyroid Dysfunction) 871
重症神經學 (Critical Care Neurology)
49. 止痛與鎮靜 (Analgesia and Sedation) 885
50. 心智失常 (Disorders of Mentation) 909
51. 運動異常疾病 (Disorders of Movement) 927
52. 中風與相關疾病 (Stroke and Related Disorders) 943
毒物 (Toxic Ingestions)
53. 藥物毒性及解毒劑 (Pharmaceutical Toxins & Antidotes) 963
附錄 (Appendices)
1. 單位換算 (Units and Conversions) 983
2. 摘選檢驗參考值範圍 (Selected Reference Ranges) 989
3. 臨床評分系統 (Clinical Scoring Systems) 997
索引 (Index) 1007
1. 血流循環 (Circulatory Blood Flow) 3
2. 氧氣與二氧化碳的運送 (Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport) 21
重症病患的預防措施 (Preventive Practices in the Critically III)
3. 加護病房的感染控制 (Infection Control in the ICU) 41
4. 腸胃道感染的預防 (Alimentary Prophylaxis) 63
5. 靜脈血栓栓塞症 (Venous Thromboembolism) 81
血管管路 (Vascular Access)
6. 建立靜脈通路 (Establishing Venous Access) 107
7. 血管內留置導管 (The Indwelling Vascular Catheter) 129
血液動力學監測 (Hemodynamic Monitoring)
8. 動脈血壓 (Arterial Blood Pressure) 151
9. 肺動脈導管 (The Pulmonary Artery Catheter) 163
10. 中心靜脈壓與楔型壓 (Central Venous Pressure and Wedge Pressure) 181
11. 組織含氧度 (Tissue Oxygenation) 193
循環系統異常 (Disorders of Circulatory Flow)
12. 出血及低血量 (Hemorrhage and Hypovolemia) 211
13. 膠質液與晶質液的復甦治療 (Colloid and Crystalloid Resuscitation) 233
14. 急性心臟衰竭症候群 (Acute Heart Failure Syndromes) 255
15. 心跳停止 (Cardiac Arrest) 277
16. 血流動力藥物輸注 (Hemodynamic Drug Infusions) 297
重症心臟學照護 (Critical Care Cardiology)
17. 急性冠狀動脈症候群的早期處理
(Early Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes) 317
18. 心搏過速型心律不整 (Tachyarrhythmias) 343
急性呼吸衰竭 (Acute Respiratory Failure)
19. 低血氧症及高二氧化碳症 (Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia) 367
20. 氧定量法及二氧化碳偵測儀 (Oximetry and Capnography) 385
21. 氧氣吸入治療 (Oxygen Inhalation Therapy) 403
22. 急性呼吸窘迫症候群 (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) 419
23. 重度氣道阻塞 (Severe Airflow Obstruction) 437
機械換氣系統 (Mechanical Ventilation)
24. 機械換氣的原理 (Principles of Mechanical Ventilation) 457
25. 呼吸器的模式 (Modes of Assisted Ventilation) 473
26. 依賴呼吸器的患者 (The Ventilator-Dependent Patient) 491
27. 中止呼吸器 (Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation) 511
酸鹼值異常 (Acid-Base Disorders)
28. 酸鹼判讀 (Acid-Base Interpretations) 531
29. 有機酸中毒 (Organic Acidoses) 547
30. 代謝性鹼中毒 (Metabolic Alkalosis) 565
腎臟功能及電解質異常 (Renal and Electrolyte Disorders)
31. 寡尿與急性腎衰竭 (Oliguria and Acute Renal Failure) 579
32. 高滲透壓與低滲透壓狀態 (Hypertonic and Hypotonic Conditions) 595
33. 鉀 (Potassium) 611
34. 鎂 (Magnesium) 625
35. 鈣離子和磷酸鹽 (Calcium and Phosphorous) 639
重症照護輸血準則 (Transfusion Practices in Critical Care)
36. 加護病房病人貧血與紅血球輸血治療
(Anemia and Red Blood Cell Transfusions in the ICU) 659
37. 血小板與急重症病人 (Platelets in Critical Illness) 681
體溫疾病 (Disorders of Body Temperature)
38. 體溫過高與體溫過低症候群 (Hyperthermia and Hypothermia Syndromes) 697
39. 加護病房發燒 (Fever in the ICU) 713
加護病房發炎及感染 (Inflammation and Infection in the ICU)
40. 感染、發炎和多重器官損傷 (Infection, Inflammation, and Multiorgan Injury) 737
41. 加護病房肺炎 (Pneumonia in the ICU) 749
42. 源於腹部及骨盆的敗血症 (Sepsis from the Abdomen and Pelvis) 769
43. 免疫功能不全的病患 (The Immunocompromised Patient) 783
44. 抗生素治療 (Antimicrobial Therapy) 801
營養與代謝 (Nutrition and Metabolism)
45. 新陳代謝基質之需求 (Metabolic Substrate Requirements) 823
46. 腸道灌食 (Enteral Tube Feeding) 841
47. 靜脈營養 (Parenteral Nutrition) 859
48. 腎上腺及甲狀腺功能障礙 (Adrenal and Thyroid Dysfunction) 871
重症神經學 (Critical Care Neurology)
49. 止痛與鎮靜 (Analgesia and Sedation) 885
50. 心智失常 (Disorders of Mentation) 909
51. 運動異常疾病 (Disorders of Movement) 927
52. 中風與相關疾病 (Stroke and Related Disorders) 943
毒物 (Toxic Ingestions)
53. 藥物毒性及解毒劑 (Pharmaceutical Toxins & Antidotes) 963
附錄 (Appendices)
1. 單位換算 (Units and Conversions) 983
2. 摘選檢驗參考值範圍 (Selected Reference Ranges) 989
3. 臨床評分系統 (Clinical Scoring Systems) 997
索引 (Index) 1007