ScreenOS Cookbook
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ScreenOS Cookbook

ScreenOS Cookbook


:NT$ 2750 元
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Written by key members of Juniper Network's ScreenOS development team, this one-of-a-kind Cookbook helps you troubleshoot secure networks that run ScreenOS firewall appliances. Scores of recipes address a wide range of security issues, provide step-by-step solutions, and include discussions of why the recipes work, so you can easily set up and keep ScreenOS systems on track.

ScreenOS Cookbook gives you real-world fixes, techniques, and configurations that save time -- not hypothetical situations out of a textbook. The book comes directly from the experience of engineers who have seen and fixed every conceivable ScreenOS network topology, from small branch office firewalls to appliances for large core enterprise and government, to the heavy duty protocol driven service provider network. Its easy-to-follow format enables you to find the topic and specific recipe you need right away and match it to your network and security issue.

Topics include:

  • Configuring and managing ScreenOS firewalls
  • NTP (Network Time Protocol)
  • Interfaces, Zones, and Virtual Routers
  • Mitigating Denial of Service Attacks
  • DDNS, DNS, and DHCP
  • IP Routing
  • Policy-Based Routing
  • Elements of Policies
  • Authentication
  • Application Layer Gateway (SIP, H323, RPC, RTSP, etc.,)
  • Content Security
  • Managing Firewall Policies
  • RIP, OSPF, BGP, and NSRP
  • Multicast -- IGPM, PIM, Static Mroutes
  • Wireless
Along with the usage and troubleshooting recipes, you will also find plenty of tricks, special considerations, ramifications, and general discussions of interesting tangents and network extrapolation. For the accurate, hard-nosed information you require to get your ScreenOS firewall network secure and operating smoothly , no book matches ScreenOS Cookbook.


Stefan Brunner has been a technology consultant for more than 15
years, helping enterprises to leverage technology for their business
model and deploy technology solutions. Stefan is the lead architect
in Juniper Networks' Service Layer Technology Professional Services
group. Prior to Juniper, Stefan worked with NetScreen Technologies as
a network security consultant. Stefan holds an MBA in innovations
research and technology management from Ludwig-Maximilians-University
of Munich, and a certificate degree in telecommunications engineering
from the University of California at Berkeley. He lives with his wife
and daughter in the Hill Country of Austin, Texas.

Vik Davar has been working in the IT field for more than 15 years,
holding positions in financial services firms and technology
companies including Juniper Networks and Goldman Sachs. Vik is the
president of 9 Networks, an IT services company. He has a master's
degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University and a
bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from The Cooper Union in
New York City. He is also a CISSP and CCIE# 8377. He lives in New
Jersey with his wife and two children.

David Delcourt has worked in the data communications industry for the
past 13 years for enterprise equipment vendors including Cabletron
Systems and NetScreen Technologies. He has held a variety of
positions, including advanced TAC engineer, technical trainer, and
product manager at Cabletron Systems, and senior security consultant
at NetScreen Technologies. He is currently the security practice
manager in Professional Services for Juniper Networks, supporting the
Americas. He lives in New Hampshire with his wife and daughter, and
their two dogs and two cats.

Ken Draper has spent the past 20 years in the networking industry,
and has focused on security solutions for the past 11 years. He is
CISSP certification #22627 and holds numerous other certifications.
Ken has worked at such networking equipment manufacturers as
Infotron, Gandalf, Synoptics, Bay Networks, Nortel, NetScreen, and
now Juniper Networks. He has more than six years of experience with
ScreenOS and large-scale security solutions, he has held a variety of
technical engineering positions including systems engineer and
solutions architect, and he is currently a Juniper Networks
consulting engineer specializing in the large-scale virtual private
network (VPN), firewall, intrusion prevention, and centralized
management markets. Ken lives outside Dallas with his wife and two

Joe Kelly has been involved in data networking for more than 12
years, focusing on the realms of network security and routing. He
started his career in the service provider space at IDT Corporation,
where he held roles in network operations and engineering. After IDT,
he spent time with various network service providers in engineering
and architectural capacities. In 2001, Joe joined NetScreen
Technologies as a senior systems engineer in the Financial and
Service Provider verticals, where he specialized in high- availability, high-performance networks. Joe joined Juniper Networks
in 2004 with the acquisition of NetScreen, and he is currently the
technical lead on the Global Banking and Finance team. He lives in
New Jersey with his beautiful wife, Jacqueline, and his three
children, Hannah, Ben, and Tristan.

Sunil Wadhwa has been in the data networking industry for more than
13 years, focusing on systems, network routing, and security in
enterprise and service provider organizations. He started his career
in India at GTL Limited and SAP India, and then held a variety of
roles in technical support, network operations, and engineering. He
moved to the Unit






定價:100 2750