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Chapter 1 History and Approaches
第一章 心理學歷史和學派
Chapter 2 Research Methods
第二章 研究方法
Chapter 3 Biological Bases of Behavior
第三章 行為的生物學基礎
Chapter 4 Sensation and Perception
第四章 感覺和知覺
Chapter 5 States of Consciousness
第五章 意識狀態 目錄
Chapter 1 History and Approaches
第一章 心理學歷史和學派
Chapter 2 Research Methods
第二章 研究方法
Chapter 3 Biological Bases of Behavior
第三章 行為的生物學基礎
Chapter 4 Sensation and Perception
第四章 感覺和知覺
Chapter 5 States of Consciousness
第五章 意識狀態
Chapter 6 Learning
第六章 學習
Chapter 7 Cognition
第七章 認知
Chapter 8 Motivation and Emotion
第八章 動機和情緒
Chapter 9 Developmental Psychology
第九章 發育心理學
Chapter 10 Personality
第十章 人格
Chapter 11 Intelligence
第十一章 智力
Chapter 12 Psychological Disorders
第十二章 心理障礙
Chapter 13 Treatment of Psychological Disorders
第十三章 心理障礙治療
Chapter 14 Social Psychology
第十四章 社會心理學
AP Psychology Content Outline
AP 心理學考試大綱內容
The AP Psychology Exam
關于 AP 心理學考試
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions
Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions
Chapter 1 History and Approaches
第一章 心理學歷史和學派
Chapter 2 Research Methods
第二章 研究方法
Chapter 3 Biological Bases of Behavior
第三章 行為的生物學基礎
Chapter 4 Sensation and Perception
第四章 感覺和知覺
Chapter 5 States of Consciousness
第五章 意識狀態 目錄
Chapter 1 History and Approaches
第一章 心理學歷史和學派
Chapter 2 Research Methods
第二章 研究方法
Chapter 3 Biological Bases of Behavior
第三章 行為的生物學基礎
Chapter 4 Sensation and Perception
第四章 感覺和知覺
Chapter 5 States of Consciousness
第五章 意識狀態
Chapter 6 Learning
第六章 學習
Chapter 7 Cognition
第七章 認知
Chapter 8 Motivation and Emotion
第八章 動機和情緒
Chapter 9 Developmental Psychology
第九章 發育心理學
Chapter 10 Personality
第十章 人格
Chapter 11 Intelligence
第十一章 智力
Chapter 12 Psychological Disorders
第十二章 心理障礙
Chapter 13 Treatment of Psychological Disorders
第十三章 心理障礙治療
Chapter 14 Social Psychology
第十四章 社會心理學
AP Psychology Content Outline
AP 心理學考試大綱內容
The AP Psychology Exam
關于 AP 心理學考試
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions
Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions
Chapter 1 History and Approaches
第一章 心理學歷史和學派
History and Approaches (2%~4%)
Psychology has evolved markedly since its inception as a discipline in 1879. There have been significant changes in the theories that psychologists use to explain behavior and mental processes. In addition, the methodology of psychological research has expanded to include a diversity of approaches to data gathering.
AP students in psychology should be able to do the following:
a) Recognize how philosophical and physiological perspectives shaped the development of psychological thought.
b) Describe and compare different theoretical approaches to explaining behavior:
ⅰ. Structuralism, functionalism, and behaviorism in the early years;
ⅱ. Gestalt, psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, and humanism emerging later;
ⅲ. Evolutionary, biological, cognitive, and biopsychosocial as more contemporary approaches.
c) Recognize the strengths and limitations of applying theories to explain behavior.
d) Distinguish the different domains of psychology (e.g., biological, clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, educational, experimental, human factors, industrial–organizational, personality, psychometric, social).
e) Identify major historical figures in psychology (e.g., Mary Whiton Calkins, Charles Darwin, Dorothea Dix, Sigmund Freud, G. Stanley Hall, William James, Ivan Pavlov, Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, B. F. Skinner, Margaret Floy Washburn, John B. Watson, Wilhelm Wundt).
Edited from AP psychology description by the College Board
心理學派主要分為五大學派,見Fig 1.1:(1)內省(introspection);(2)完形心理學(gestalt psychology);(3)心理分析(psychoanalysis);(4) 行為主義(behaviorism);(5)多元觀點(multiple perspectives)。
(1) Wave one—Introspection 學派之一——內省
Introspective theories were important in establishing the science of psychology, but they do not significantly influence current psychological thinking.內省理論對建立心理學科學來說是很重要的,但未能顯著影響現代心理思維。
1) Structuralism結構主義
The idea that the mind operates by combining subjective emotions and objective sensations.主張意識通過主觀情感和客觀感覺共同起作用。
Structuralism is the analysis of the mind in terms of its basic elements.
Exam tip: Wilhelm Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory at Leipzig, Germany. He created theory of structuralism and published the principles of psychology.
2) Functionalism機能心理學
The idea that psychologists study the functions of consciousness rather than its structure.
Exam tip: William James created functionalism, its tradition endures in two modern-day fields: cognitive psychology which studies mental processes and evolutionary psychology which emphasizes the adaptiveness of behavior.
(2) Wave two—Gestalt psychology 學派之二——完形心理學/格式塔心理學
Gestalt psychology tried to examine a person’s total experience because the way we experience the world is more than just an accumulation of various perceptual experiences.
Gestalt theorists demonstrated that the whole experience is often more than just the sum of the parts of the experience.完形心理學家論證了整體經歷往往大于部分經歷的總和。
Max Wertheimer argued against dividing human thought and behavior into discrete structures.完形心理學家Max Wertheimer反對將人的思想和行為割裂為離散的結構。
(3) Wave three—Psychoanalysis 學派之三——精神分析
Psychoanalysis examines the unconscious mind through dream analysis, word association, and other psychoanalytic techniques to understand human thought and behavior truly.精神分析學派為了真實地理解人的思想和行為,通過夢的解析、詞匯聯想和其他的精神分析技術來檢測潛意識。
Defense mechanism: psychological techniques that help us cope with anxiety and the pain of traumatic experiences. 防御機制:一種幫助我們處理焦慮和創傷性經歷帶來的痛苦的心理技術。
Sigmund Freud revolutionized psychology with his psychoanalytic theory. Freud believed he discovered the unconscious mind; this hidden part of us builds up over the years through repression. Sigmund Freud 的精神分析理論是革命性的心理學學說。他堅信發現了潛意識,隱藏在我們內心的潛意識是由于受到長期的壓抑而建立起來的。
Exam tip: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory has been criticized for being unscientific and creating unverifiable theories.
第一章 心理學歷史和學派
History and Approaches (2%~4%)
Psychology has evolved markedly since its inception as a discipline in 1879. There have been significant changes in the theories that psychologists use to explain behavior and mental processes. In addition, the methodology of psychological research has expanded to include a diversity of approaches to data gathering.
AP students in psychology should be able to do the following:
a) Recognize how philosophical and physiological perspectives shaped the development of psychological thought.
b) Describe and compare different theoretical approaches to explaining behavior:
ⅰ. Structuralism, functionalism, and behaviorism in the early years;
ⅱ. Gestalt, psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, and humanism emerging later;
ⅲ. Evolutionary, biological, cognitive, and biopsychosocial as more contemporary approaches.
c) Recognize the strengths and limitations of applying theories to explain behavior.
d) Distinguish the different domains of psychology (e.g., biological, clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, educational, experimental, human factors, industrial–organizational, personality, psychometric, social).
e) Identify major historical figures in psychology (e.g., Mary Whiton Calkins, Charles Darwin, Dorothea Dix, Sigmund Freud, G. Stanley Hall, William James, Ivan Pavlov, Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, B. F. Skinner, Margaret Floy Washburn, John B. Watson, Wilhelm Wundt).
Edited from AP psychology description by the College Board
心理學派主要分為五大學派,見Fig 1.1:(1)內省(introspection);(2)完形心理學(gestalt psychology);(3)心理分析(psychoanalysis);(4) 行為主義(behaviorism);(5)多元觀點(multiple perspectives)。
(1) Wave one—Introspection 學派之一——內省
Introspective theories were important in establishing the science of psychology, but they do not significantly influence current psychological thinking.內省理論對建立心理學科學來說是很重要的,但未能顯著影響現代心理思維。
1) Structuralism結構主義
The idea that the mind operates by combining subjective emotions and objective sensations.主張意識通過主觀情感和客觀感覺共同起作用。
Structuralism is the analysis of the mind in terms of its basic elements.
Exam tip: Wilhelm Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory at Leipzig, Germany. He created theory of structuralism and published the principles of psychology.
2) Functionalism機能心理學
The idea that psychologists study the functions of consciousness rather than its structure.
Exam tip: William James created functionalism, its tradition endures in two modern-day fields: cognitive psychology which studies mental processes and evolutionary psychology which emphasizes the adaptiveness of behavior.
(2) Wave two—Gestalt psychology 學派之二——完形心理學/格式塔心理學
Gestalt psychology tried to examine a person’s total experience because the way we experience the world is more than just an accumulation of various perceptual experiences.
Gestalt theorists demonstrated that the whole experience is often more than just the sum of the parts of the experience.完形心理學家論證了整體經歷往往大于部分經歷的總和。
Max Wertheimer argued against dividing human thought and behavior into discrete structures.完形心理學家Max Wertheimer反對將人的思想和行為割裂為離散的結構。
(3) Wave three—Psychoanalysis 學派之三——精神分析
Psychoanalysis examines the unconscious mind through dream analysis, word association, and other psychoanalytic techniques to understand human thought and behavior truly.精神分析學派為了真實地理解人的思想和行為,通過夢的解析、詞匯聯想和其他的精神分析技術來檢測潛意識。
Defense mechanism: psychological techniques that help us cope with anxiety and the pain of traumatic experiences. 防御機制:一種幫助我們處理焦慮和創傷性經歷帶來的痛苦的心理技術。
Sigmund Freud revolutionized psychology with his psychoanalytic theory. Freud believed he discovered the unconscious mind; this hidden part of us builds up over the years through repression. Sigmund Freud 的精神分析理論是革命性的心理學學說。他堅信發現了潛意識,隱藏在我們內心的潛意識是由于受到長期的壓抑而建立起來的。
Exam tip: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory has been criticized for being unscientific and creating unverifiable theories.
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