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Bertrand De Jouvenel: The Conservative Liberal And The Illusions Of Modernity
紀效新書 十四卷本(簡體書)




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美援文藝體制下的臺、港、馬華文學場域:以譯書計畫《小說報》為例/王梅香(102 民105.3 頁1-40)
關鍵詞: 文化冷戰、宣傳文學、通俗文學、三毫子小說、香港美新處
This study uses data from the National Archives and Records Admin-istration of the United States to examine the process by which Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Malaya (Singapore) were incorporated into the U.S. Aid literary institution with overseas Chinese as the main target audience. By using popular literature, the U.S. shaped the joint “political imagination” of the free world. This study is divided into three parts. The first part looks at the position of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Malaya (Singapore) in the U.S. book translation program with Hong Kong as the world center of Chinese-language publishing and Singapore as an important center for English translation. Initially, Taiwan did not match Hong Kong for translations or Singapore for commercial distribution channels by putting itself among the three. In 1959, Singapore withdrew from the book translation program. As a result, Hong Kong and Taiwan became world centers for Chinese publications, although Hong Kong continued to dominate. Second, using the example of the emergence of the pulp fiction Story Paper published by Hong Kong USIS, we explore how under principles of anti-communism, the U.S. Aid literary institution used powerful local intermediaries to mobilize intellectuals and publishers in Hong Kong and Taiwan to participate in the book translation program and politicized the popular literary field. Finally, through an analysis of the actual content of Story Paper, we explain the Malay style of the work Malayan Affair that combined anti-communist themes and a love story narrative. Using the popular literary and pulp fiction style of Story Paper, the Chinese language anti-communist result desired by the U.S. was achieved while at the same time producing an imagined community with a Southeast Asian flavor.
Keywords: Cultural Cold War, propaganda literature, popular fiction, three-cents novel, Hong Kong USIS

未成年者的性與禁閉矯正:道德/立法下的生命政治/許雅斐 (102 民105.3 頁41-73)
關鍵詞: 禁閉、無國家者、兒少保護、矯正機構、通報系統、犯罪控制
This article uses the concepts of Foucauldian “confinement” and Butler’s “the stateless” to study the advances of crime control on underage sex, in accompaniment of the image of innocent childhood. Toward the end of the 1980s, with an increasing interest in the sexual politics associated with child prostitutes, reforming child protection provisions pertaining to underage sex was pushed to the top of Taiwan’s political agenda. With this reformation monitored and managed by middle-class women’s groups, the criminal and juvenile justice systems came to severely regulate sexual behavior, targeting the “confinement” of the underprivileged in correctional institutions and de-manding a return to sexual morality. However, it has been seldom discussed why front-end and back-end processes have been amalgamated into one integrated crime control policy. By analyzing the Hakka cultural prototype, the campus reporting system, and the management of everyday life in Taiwan‘s correctional institutions, I will argue that these systems aim to ensure that no young homosexuals and other sexual minorities will have any future prospects.
Keywords: confinement, the stateless, child protection, correctional institution, the reporting system, crime control

勞動法律的身分限制及改革:一個人權觀點的檢視/張晉芬 (102 民105.3 頁75-113)
勞動法律的立法宗旨是促進勞動權益。但由於立法當時對適用對象的限制,許多勞工至今仍無法獲得基本權益的保障。以《勞動基準法》為例,該法的適用對象是限定有固定且單一雇主的典型受僱勞工, 於是,包括非典型僱用工作型態的勞工階級、屬於責任制工作的受僱者、與外籍基層勞工等均被排除。由於許多其他勞動法律採行《勞動基準法》的適用規定,不適用《勞動基準法》的結果也使得被排除的勞動者喪失其他權益,如退休金或職業傷害的賠償。本文指出,《勞動基準法》制訂的背景是工業資本主義盛行的時期。如今在全球化資本主義之下,資方不斷擴大僱用彈性以降低生產成本,僱用型態趨於非典型化。許多勞工終身的職業生涯已非單一工作型態,而是流轉於典型或非典型僱用、自僱或受僱、失業或退出勞動市場之間。勞動者要面對的就業和經濟風險愈來愈高、勞動階級比從前更加弱勢,但勞動法律制度卻沒有因應轉變、以致於失去保障基本勞動權益的立法宗旨。本文進一步從人權的觀點,論證台灣的勞動法律需要超脫現有關於身分限定的架構,摒除僱用型態的限制、超脫生產性與再生產性勞動的界線、制度性地提供全體勞動者(包括全職家務工作者和受刑人在內)基本的經濟和社會保障。勞動權是權利,而不是特定身分勞工才可以獲得的利益。這既是台灣政府簽署《經濟社會文化權利國際公約》後應該要履行的責任,也是面對全球化資本主義趨勢下必須要採行的勞工保護思維。
關鍵詞: 人權、勞動權、《勞動基準法》、僱用型態、全球化資本主義、再生產勞動、《經濟社會文化權利國際公約》
Due to the constraints of entitlements of worker’s status, even thoughlabor laws, such as Labor Standards Act, provide basic labor rights, many workers are not eligible to be covered by the Act in Taiwan. This paper argues that the establishment of Labor Standards Act and other affiliated laws are originally designed for the interests of full-time, formal employees hired by one employer; especially for male workers in the manufacturing industry. Under the paradigm of class relations in industrial capitalism, non-regular workers (including day labors, family business workers, dispatched workers, and part-time workers), exempted employees, and those covered by other than labor insurance are excluded from the application of Labor Standards Act. The practice of the labor laws ends serving for only part of the working class. This paper argues that labor rights are human rights and should be applied to all the employed workers, not limited by their employment status or nationalities. Under the development of global capitalism employment flexibility has been abused by capitalists in many creative ways. General working conditions of standard workers are deteriorating. Most workers can hardly stay in one position or even one employment status in their life-long career. The turnovers between standard and non-standard status, between self-employed and being employed, in job markets and unemployed or withdrawing from labor markets are becoming more frequent. Labor is facing more and more hazards in their career without institutional support for them to avoid falling into no job or no income. The state should provide basic economic and social rights to all workers regardless of their employment status, nationalities, and production or reproduction role. The results will also fulfill the commitments of Taiwanese government to sign up International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Keywords: human rights, labor rights, Labor Standards Act, employment status, capitalism under globalization, reproduction labor, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

文本作為探究支配關係的中介:以外籍居家看護聘僱需求評估為例/梁莉芳(102 民105.3 頁115-141)
加拿大女性主義社會學家Dorothy Smith是當代北美重要的社會理論家之一,她所發展的建制民族誌(Institutional ethnography),不僅是一種研究方法,更是另一種社會學。不同於發展理論或修正理論的知識生產途徑,建制民族誌的探究紮根於人們每日每夜具體的、進行中的活動和經驗,進一步追溯和闡明跨地跨時協作的社會關係,如何編派和影響特定的在地經驗,以達到支配關係治理的目標。以「外籍居家看護聘僱評估研究」為例,本文討論建制民族誌的方法論與研究設計, 特別是建制民族誌如何運用文本進行經驗性的探究。文本對建制民族誌的探究極為重要且關鍵。不同於其他質性研究將文本本身視為單獨分析的實證材料,建制民族誌學者關注文本如何連結個人活動和建制的社會關係。文本不僅呈現日常生活的活動如何進行和協作,更是組織和勾連不同在地場域的社會關係的中介。透過研究發現的呈現,我指出建制民族誌對社會生活的理解不是分類、詮釋或是建立理論,而是藉由對聘僱評估過程的描述,闡明以文本為中介,跨地跨時運作的建制關係,對個人在地經驗的形塑和影響。
關鍵詞: 建制民族誌、文本、支配關係、外籍看護、需求評估
Institutional ethnography is not only a research method, but is an alternative sociology. Its investigation is anchored in the actual experiences of people’s everyday life, and then moves further to trace how the trans-local social relations organize and impact the particular local experiences to achieve the goal of governance. Using the research on evaluation on live-in migrant care workers’ employment as the example, this article discusses the methodology and research design of institutional ethnography; especially how the utilization of text as an investigative tool. Different from the other qualitative methods, which regard text itself as the analytical materials, institutional ethnographers focus on how text connects individual’s activity to institutional relations. In the discussion of research findings, I point out that the goal of institutional ethnography is not to categorize and interpret individual’s experiences or build upon theories. Instead, through describing the processes of evaluation, the research explicates how the textual-mediated social relations shape and influence people’s lived experiences.
Keywords: Institutional ethnography, text, ruling relations, migrant care workers, needs assessment

編按(102 民105.3 頁143-144)
關於跨域連結的反思與提問/夏曉鵑(102 民105.3 頁145-163)
迎接新時代⋯⋯從部落觀點反思村寨社區營造/謝英俊(102 民105.3 頁165-183)

專題緣起(102 民105.3 頁185-186)
台社作為方法:反思「批判思考」/朱偉誠(102 民105.3 頁187-193)
如何評估戰後台灣社會科學界的進展:現代化與普世性 /瞿宛文(102 民105.3 頁195-202)
問題化了「學問問什麼」嗎?問了「學問為著誰去問問題」嗎?從《台灣社會研究季刊》的史前史談起/丘延亮(102 民105.3 頁203-225)
台社是太陽花的尖兵嗎?給台社的一封公開信/趙剛(102 民105.3 頁227-256)
「中國作為理論」之前/卡維波(102 民105.3 頁257-284)
「萬隆/第三世界六十年」筆記/陳光興 (102 民105.3 頁285-302)

紀念保釣鬥士林孝信(102 民105.3 頁303-308)




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