替代書名:3-19 Shooting Re-examined
規格:22.86cm*15.24cm (高/寬)
陳義雄是自殺或是他殺?陳義雄真是黃衣禿頭男?二彈一槍或二彈二槍?槍彈是不是唐守義的?離譜的國安勤務!阿扁自導自演?CIA 早已得知真相?誰槍擊誰?
On March 19, 2004, the day before the Presidential Election Day, President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Lu Hsiu-lien were shut by bullets. The shooting incident shocked Taiwan's democracy and to a great degree ripped Taiwan's society. As of today, the official investigation reports are still unconvinced, leaving various questions unsolved. Is Chen Yi-hsiung the shooter? Any accomplices? What are the motives? Why did the national security agencies act so ludicrously? Could it be planned and directed by the President?
As former Vice President and the victim of the incident, Lu Hsiu-lien examines the Control Yuan document impeaching national security and police officials, the Criminal Investigation Bureau's special investigation report, the Tainan District Prosecutors Office report, and the 319 Truth Investigation Commission's report, as well as statements by President Chen Shui-bian, and includes her own firsthand account in details.
In an attempt to identify areas of doubt and to find possible explanation, the book juxtaposes the overlapping and contradictory viewpoints of the incident given by the various reports with Lu's personal eyewitness of that day.
Lu Hsiu-lien has reviewed over the points of the cartridge, the gunman, whether the two bullets came from one or two guns, the negligence by national security agencies, and the would-be assassin's possible motive. She also criticizes national security agencies' crisis management. She lists and analyzes four possibilities of the assassin identified as red (China), blue (the pan-blue political camp), green (the pan-green camp), and black (mafia and gambling syndicates).
In conclusion, Lu Hsiu-lien calls on the Special Investigation Division to overturn the previous conclusion. Instead, it should take up the suggestions presented in this book to break through its blind spots on this case, proceed boldly, ignore blue/green political divisions, and seek out reality. This will bring honor to the judiciary and good fortune to Taiwan.
70年代首開風氣,倡導新女性主義,後因高雄事件入獄1933天 。長期投注民主發展與國際事務,先後創辦無數民間社團與國際組織,榮獲多項獎章,包括2001年世界和平工作團世界和平獎、2002年台美基金會特殊貢獻獎、2011年國際職業婦女協會卓越專業領袖獎,及2012年世界和平婦女會世界和平婦女獎。
Dr. Lu Hsiu-lien Annette Vice President of Taiwan, 2000~2008 President of BPW-Taiwan, 2008~2012 President, Taiwan Alliance for Green 21 Lu Hsiu-lien Annette is a writer, feminist, freedom fighter, vegetarian environmentalist, and antinuclear activist. She was shut by one bullet on 19 March 2004, one day before the Presidential Election Day. The truth of shooting incident is still unapprehended and controversial. Born in 1944 and graduated from National Taiwan University, University of Illinois, and Harvard University, Lu established herself as the founder of feminist movement in Taiwan. Later she became one of the leaders in the opposition movement calling for democracy and an end to the Kuomintang authoritarian rule. On December 10 of 1979 she delivered a twenty-minute speech at the International Human Rights Day rally (known as the “Kaohsiung Incident”), and soon was arrested, imprisoned, convicted guilty of “violent sedition”, and sentenced to 12 years by a military court. After 1933 days of imprisonment, Lu was released in 1985, due to domestic and international rescue efforts. In 1993 Lu was elected to be a member of Legislative Yuan and in 1997 to be the Magistrate of Taoyuan County. In 2000 she was elected the first female Vice President and in 2008 the first Vice President reelected in Taiwan. After retirement, Lu has been active and established International Federation of Business and Professional Women-Taiwan to promote Taiwan women’s international visibility. After Japan’s earthquake/tsunami and Fukushima nuclear incident in 2011, she devoted herself to the “Save the Earth, Care for Taiwan” campaign, establishing Taiwan Alliance for Green 21. Two national campaigns are intensively conducted: “Less Meat, Less Heat” Campaign, and a local referendum to stop Taiwan’s 4th Nuclear Power Plant.
自序 一個真相,一個台灣
第一章 319槍擊憶述
第一節 陳水扁總統與五院院長茶敘感言(2004.03.23)
第二節 副總統呂秀蓮追憶(2005.05)
第三節 隨扈盧孝民報告(2004.04.03)
第二章 各項調查報告摘要
第一節 監察院319槍擊案彈劾案文(公佈版,2004.07.06)
第二節 內政部警政署刑事警察局專案報告(2005.08.01)
第三節 台南地方法院檢察署不起訴處分書(2005.08.09)
第四節 立法院319槍擊事件真相調查委員會總結報告
第三章 319癥結疑點解析
第一節 槍彈
第二節 槍手
第三節 自導自演?
第四節 二彈一槍或二彈二槍
第五節 離譜的國安危機處理
第六節 偽造的「CIA報告」
總結 誰槍擊誰?