沈 涓
Mainland China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Macao SAR and Taiwan not only all have their own systems of substantive civil, commercial and procedural law, they also have their own rules of private international law or conflict of laws. As a result, each region has its own rules to determine (1)whether its courts and authorities have jurisdiction to deal with a civil or commercial issue, (2)what law applies to such issues, (3)whether, and under what conditions, a foreign judgment may be recognised and enforced, and (4)how to organize administrative and judicial assistance to foreign jurisdictions. Moreover, these rules apply, in principle, not only in the relations between each region and third States, but also in the relations between the four regions.
In this pioneering work, Meirong Zhang analyses the existing diversity of private international law systems in the four Chinese regions, and explores ways to better coordinate these rules, and improve communication and cooperation among the regions. In our days of increasing mobility of persons, goods, services, capital and information, both among the Chinese regions and in their relations with third States resulting in multiple and manifold cross-border legal issues, this is a question of eminent practical importance. Central to this study are the daily interests and concerns of individuals, families, companies and other entities in our increasingly interconnected, complex world.
The author has wisely chosen an approach to her research that is principled and pragmatic at the same time. Her starting point is the Chinese concept of “regional pluralism of legal systems”. She points out that this principle has three dimensions: “first, equality between different legal regions; second, understanding and respect for each legal region’s characteristics and its autonomous public policy; third, mutual progress and benefits for all four legal regions based upon cooperation between the people across all four legal regions”. Therefore, mutual respect, based on the recognition of equal value of each legal system, and cooperation grounded in mutual respect should govern the future of interregional private international law in China.
Whilst “regional pluralism of legal systems” is the starting point, Meirong Zhang adds a second pillar to support her proposals: “Chinese inter-regional conflict of laws should also be the carrier of the good values and spirit of mankind”. It would be a mistake to view this as an expression of naive idealism, and to think that it would suffice to focus on the interregional situation isolated from the rest of the world. Firstly, the increase in interregional cross border contacts among the four Chinese regions is in part the result of increased global interaction. Indeed contemporary globalization blurs the boundaries between local including interregional, and global affairs as never before. Secondly, and in part as a result of globalization, people all over the world are increasingly faced with challenges common to humankind, whether one thinks of the risks to which children around the world are exposed in cross-border situations, the global financial system, or the global climate. Global issues should preferably solved globally. Common global approaches based on sound values are not only desirable but in the end also more effective.
Basing her proposals on the two pillars “regional pluralism of legal systems” and “a community with a shared future for humanity”, the author turns to the work of the Hague Conference on Private International Law for inspiration for the future development of private international law among the four regions of China. She has good reasons to do so. Firstly, as she points out, to a various extent and in various ways, the private international law systems of all four regions have already been influenced by the work of the Hague Conference. Secondly, as she also reminds us, arrangements have recently been concluded between Chinese regions, namely Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, which have borrowed provisions and language from Hague Conventions. Thirdly, and most fundamentally, the Hague instruments reflect both the spirit of the Chinese concept of “regional pluralism of legal systems”─mutual respect, based on the recognition of equal value of each legal system, and the need for close cooperation on that basis─and globally accepted values. All Hague instruments are carefully crafted texts, and the result of inclusive negotiations among experts and delegates representing States from all continents, based on sound comparative research and input from stakeholders from across the world.
Hague Conventions are primarily aimed to provide common legal frameworks for relations between States, and provide expressly that ratifying States are not bound to apply them to conflicts solely between different legal systems with such States. Therefore, when China joins a Hague Convention, the rules of that Convention do not thereby apply to the relations between Mainland China and the other three regions. However, as the arrangements between Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR demonstrate, they may provide a model for a private international law regime for interregional relations. A model, not a straightjacket: Hague Conventions have always made room for specific local including regional needs.
It is on this basis that Meirong Zhang then examines whether and to what extent the work of the Hague Conference could serve as inspiration for a common private international law framework for the four Chinese regions. Successively, she deals with (1)the issue of jurisdiction of the courts and authorities of the four regions (Chapters 2-3), (2)interregional choice of law rules (Chapters 4-7), (3)administrative and judicial cooperation and (4)recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments (Chapters 8-10). She does not advocate to slavishly copy the content of Hague Conventions into an interregional system. For example, and interestingly, she suggests that the specific characteristics of Chinese family realities may qualify or colour the notion of “the child’s best interests” (Conclusion Part II).
Obviously, an innovative work like this can only lay the foundation for more detailed reflections and research. But because the study is both principled and pragmatic, the groundwork it lays is strong. One senses the firm commitment of the author to the good causes of removing outdated and parochial obstacles to cross-border relationships and transactions, of facilitating the life of citizens in a complex mobile world, of safeguarding their civil interest and rights, of protecting weaker parties and vulnerable people and vital public interests and common global goods. Meirong Zhang has written a seminal study that will inspire many readers. It deserves a wide readership.
Hans van Loon
Member of the Institut de Droit International
Former Secretary General of the Hague Conference on
Private International Law
推薦序 /沈 涓
推薦序/Hans van Loon
緒 論/1
第一編 中國區際私法之發展與海牙國際私法會議成果
第一章 中國區際私法之發展與海牙國際私法會議成果
第一節 中國區際私法之發展/11
第二節 海牙國際私法會議成果及其對海峽兩岸暨香港、澳門四法域的影響/35
第二篇 區際民商事管轄權機制
第二章 區際民商事管轄權規則的構建──以協議管轄為例
第一節 中國區際民商事管轄權衝突及其存在的問題/64
第二節 海牙國際私法會議的相關工作成果/84
第三節 完善中國區際民商事明示協議管轄制度的思考/94
第三章 區際民商事管轄權衝突之協調機制
第一節 先受訴法院原則/100
第二節 不方便法院原則/111
第三編 區際法律適用規則
第四章 區際衝突法中的屬人法問題──以兒童慣常居所地為例
第一節 中國區際衝突法的屬人法連接點/133
第二節 相關海牙國際私法會議成果及其對中國區際屬人法的影響/136
第五章 區際跨境兒童收養中的兒童最大利益保護原則
第一節 中國區際收養法律適用現狀及其存在的問題/152
第二節 《海牙收養公約》中的兒童最大利益保護原則及其對中國區際收養法律適用規則的影響/154
第六章 區際信託的法律適用問題
第一節 中國區際間信託法律適用中所存在的問題/174
第二節 1985年《信託法律適用及其承認公約》及其對中國區際信託法律適用規則的影響/177
第七章 區際遺囑形式的法律適用問題
第一節 中國區際間遺囑形式法律適用中所存在的問題/186
第二節 1961年《海牙遺囑形式公約》及其對中國區際間遺囑形式法律適用規則的影響/188
第四篇 區際司法協助機制
第八章 區際文書送達制度
第一節 1965年《海牙送達公約》的適用/202
第二節 《海牙送達公約》內容對完善中國區際送達機制的推動作用/214
第九章 區際調查取證制度
第一節 1970年《海牙取證公約》的適用/227
第二節 《海牙取證公約》內容對完善中國區際取證立法的推動作用/234
第十章 區際民商事判決相互認可與執行制度
第一節 香港認可區際離婚判決機制/244
第二節 中國內地與香港相互認可和執行協議管轄案件判決機制/249
第三節 中國內地與香港之間婚姻家事判決相互認可與執行機制/267
第四節 中國內地與香港相互認可和執行民商事案件判決機制/285
結 論/301
參考文獻/ 313
後 記