Super Self-Management: Top secret to make me, us, the word and the future shine

Super Self-Management: Top secret to make me, us, the word and the future shine


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Why super self-management? The world is changing exponentially. No one knows what to do in a world where today is different from yesterday. TV broadcasts and newspapers are filled with stories about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. There are hotels being ran solely by robots, and just as we were starting to gain popularity, the commercialization of self-driving cars is becoming a reality. Life is becoming ever more convenient, but everyone is feeling uneasy.Now we have been forced to leave behind those pleasant spring days when we could just follow the same old patterns and behaviors without having to give anything that much thought. Are we to just hold onto each other and stare blankly at this giant tsunami called the Fourth Industrial Revolution as it comes crashing down on us? We can't just sit around and get caught in the whirlpool of fate like lifeless pieces of debris. Who are we? Are we not the lords of all creation? We have to put our happy-go-lucky way of thinking behind us and start anew with a determined and resolute frame of mind. Wherever there's a will to take another close look around and then take massive action, there is always a way.In the first, second and third industrials revolutions, there were people facing crisis and people seizing opportunities. And there were new entrepreneurs emerging during the turmoil of the first and second world wars and in Korea during the Korean war who created even greater success than before. 'Where there is crisis, there is opportunity' is not just an empty phrase. Let's all start again together. It is never too late to start. If we steadily prepare ourselves, we can turn crisis into opportunity and achieve even greater success and happiness. You might kick yourself saying that you would have prepared if you only knew how. Yes, that's right. The problem is how. Anyone who knows how will be able to thoroughly prepare without fear. Of course, you won't have to worry at all because I'm going to show you how through this book. The how I'm going to share with you is 'Super Self-Management' (SSM) - the life-changing strategy that I've worked to develop over the last 15 years. Super Self-Management (SSM) is a sustainable success model that brings out the best in people, changing them from ordinary to extraordinary, just like the 'miracle material' of graphene can be extracted from seemingly ordinary graphite even though it is not seemingly extraordinary diamond. Any method to respond to the crisis that is now facing humanity that is not a holistic approach that changes the individual, the group and the world, will be futile. We are entering into a time of importance that humanity has never seen before.Since ending my in-company venture and resigning in April 2003, I have been stubbornly and steadfastly striving to help people to create a better life and brighter world. I will now unravel for you in a step-by-step, easy-to-understand way, the method of Super Self-Management (SSM) based on this extremely difficult journey. The first thing to focus on in SSM is to change 'me' first before trying to change anything else. We should always start with 'me'. If you successfully get past the hurdle that is yourself, then you are already halfway to success. The next thing to change is 'us'. It's actually surprisingly simple to change 'us'. This is because all you have to do is internalize a few universal laws. Once 'us' has been changed to be brighter, the next thing to focus on is 'the world'. With a clear understanding of how the Fourth Industrial Revolution will flow and where it will lead to, the world can change into a brighter and more wonderful place. Then all the survivors of the tsunami of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will become superhuman and the future will become brighter on its own.







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