Communicate Better with Everyone (HBR Working Parents Series)
系列名:HBR Working Parents Series
出版社:Harvard Business Review Press
作者:Harvard Business Review; Daisy Dowling
Talk to your toddler, your teen, your caregiver, your boss, your partner, your partner, yourself
There are days in every working parent's life when it feels like you're screaming into the wind. The days when you have to ask your childless boss if you can leave work early—again—for a kid issue. The days your kid tearfully asks why you have to get on an airplane for work when you just got home. The days you simmer with resentment because you can't find the right words to have a productive conversation with your partner about the division of labor at home. The days you tell yourself you're failing everyone—including yourself.
Each of us has days where we struggle to communicate effectively at home and at work. But we can have fewer days like that and more productive conversations. We can listen and be heard. In Communicate Better with Everyone, experts provide answers to the challenges you face as a working parent, from negotiating your schedule and workload with your boss to connecting with your teen without nagging or lecturing to talking to yourself with more compassion. You'll learn to:
Conduct more productive conversations
Set boundaries and stick to them
Ask better questions
See issues from the other person's perspective
Navigate difficult issues
The HBR Working Parents Series with Daisy Dowling, Series Editor, supports readers as you anticipate challenges, learn how to advocate for yourself more effectively, juggle your impossible schedule, and find fulfillment at home and at work. Whether you're up with a newborn or planning the future with your teen, you'll find the practical tips, strategies, and research you need to make working parenthood work for you.