2018年 第一屆臺南國際攝影節(TiFF) 《鯤鯓顯影》
2018 臺南國際攝影節,取「鯤鯓」這個與臺南有深遠淵源的名詞,寓意臺南這海畔的大魚將緩緩浮出海平面,並透過攝影節所架構出來的平臺,逐漸顯現影像的動態過程。
為了重塑市民大眾與影像創作者的關係,攝影節期間舉辦 :
• 「焦點攝影家-許淵富」肯定經典級大師對臺南與臺灣攝影的貢獻。
• 邀請成熟的影像作者參與「攝影上牆」-靜態展場、「攝影上街」-影像進入街頭公共空間、「攝影上臺」-攝影家動態的影像播放。
• 徵集年輕攝影家一起來「攝影上桌-Tainan photo GO」互動交流。
• 邀請汪正翔與徐詩雨共同策展「懸缺的主體」。
• 李旭彬帶領的「路頭」攝影創作引導工作坊(Photography Workshops) 。
• 法國策展人 Nicolas Havette 帶領的工作坊與策展。
• TiFF系列論壇:邀請不同領域的學者專家、創作者座談研討。
• 攝影上網-無遠弗屆的數位連結。
Being the first developed city in Taiwan, Tainan is endowed with abundant cultural heritages. Tainan, founded in 1624, is going to celebrate its 400th anniversary in 2024. To usher in a new era, “Tainan International Foto Festival”, launched in 2018 biennially, is organized to present Tainan’s chronicle of development through systematizing its historic and cultural contexts from the perspective of “photography”.
Kun Shen Emerging
“Kun, the legendary fish in North Sea, is so gigantic that it can reach up thousands miles long.” - Carefree Wandering by Chuang Tse
“Kun Shen” is known as a sandbank in a lagoon or an inland sea. When a sea breeze clears away water, the sandbank emerges like a fish back on the sea surface. In Tainan, there are South Kun Shen in Beimen District and Green Kun Shen in Jiang-jyun District. The ancient names of the places from First to Seventh Kun Shen are located in the coastal area of Anping all the way to Wanli in Tainan nowadays.
The name “Kun Shen”, which has been strongly connected to Tainan in history, is used to represent 2018 Tainan International Foto Festival. Through the imagery, Tainan, the legendary giant fish, gradually emerges from the sea and the platform constructed by TiFF creates a stage for Tainan to showcase its images progressively.
The first “TiFF” starts from November this year in Soulangh Cultural Park as the main exhibition. Associating with other alternative art spaces in Tainan City, the Festival aims to employ photography to piece together Tainan’s history, geography, and human culture focusing on life and industries in the areas located at the north of Zengwen River. Interweaving the landscapes across spaces and time, the Festival depicts a vivid and substantial image of Tainan City.
The concept of “TiFF” is to explore, investigate, study, and think in an 8-year timeline. Works are created to pay homage to historic photos while the present Tainan City is reflected by the creations of photography in Taiwan. The dialogues between images, images and texts, images and real scenes dynamically form Tainan’s ongoing photography history.
In order to reconnect the relation between citizens and photographers, various projects will be carried out including:
“Keynote Photographer- Hsu Yuan-fu”- an acknowledgement for the contribution of the honored and prestigious photographer in both Tainan and Taiwan.
inviting established photographers to take part in “Photography Exhibition” to display their works in exhibition halls, “Street Photography” to bring the event into public spaces, and “Photography Show” to broadcast videos.
“Meet Photographers-Tainan photo GO”- calling up young photographers to meet and interact.
“Unfilled Vacancy of Subjectivity”, curated by Wang Cheng-hsiang and Hsu Shih-yu collaboratively.
Photography Education:
Photography Workshops led by Lee Hsu-pin.
Workshops and exhibitions organized by the French curator, Nicolas Havette.
TiFF forums: seminars for academic professionals, experts, and creators.
Photography on Net: ubiquitous digital networks.
Respecting infinite creativity from various fields of photography, TiFF welcomes and values different types of images since all the creations are equally important. We will keep advocating comprehensive research on history and culture as well as promoting publications and forums of photography. Based on this platform, we hope to build a coexisting ecological system to be shared and supported by photographers, artists, historian, critics, curators, professionals in photography business, and all the photography lovers.
The connotation for “Kun Shen Emerging” is an expectation to shape cultural subjectivity of Taiwan based on the dialogues of images. Taiwanese people with vague identity, Taiwan with unclear positioning, and Taiwanese culture with ambiguous status, shall all emerge with determination and strength. Taiwan, geographically next to Eurasia, can thus move forward to the world like the legendary fish, Kun.