Fiction. Young Adult. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taize. The story of LOVING revolves around an unlikely heroine: a fish from a wind chime hanging beneath the eaves of Unjusa Temple's main hall in Hwasun, Jeollanam-do. Named Blue Bubble-Eyes, this fish grows weary of her mundane routine and begins to question the love of her partner Black Bubble-Eyes. While dreaming of escaping both Unjusa Temple and her partner, Blue Bubble-Eyes unexpectedly breaks free of the wire that had kept her attached, becoming a flying fish who soars through the sky in a quest for freedom and true love. Though exciting at first, the adventure proves to be a perilous journey. After several close encounters with death, Blue Bubble-Eyes realizes that love does not come quickly and without pain.
Jeong's tender depiction of Blue Bubble-Eyes infuses the story with a deep warmth. When disheartened by adversity, Blue Bubble-Eyes pours out her heart to Unjusa Temple's recumbent Buddhas in stirring scenes of self-reflection, gaining insight into love and the world. Her fraught process of learning resembles the meditative journey of Zen monks who follow Hua Tou, phrases that rise from encounter-dialogue with Buddhist teachers. The realistic, relatable dialogue between Blue Bubble-Eyes and the recumbent Buddhas lends a compelling touch to the narrative, making the poet's message all the more vivid and memorable.