*附上部分影片QR code,可重複練習,易懂易學
Fulfill your dream of starting business in low cost.
This book at hand can fulfill your dream of starting business in low cost.
*In this book we use natural ingredients which is safe and no burdens, and edible for vegetarians.
*Reluctant to swallow for its gorgeous, which is suitable for stress-relieving for modern people.
*Well-accepted by old and young. It is good both as a present and for one's own enjoyment.
*The attached is part of the teaching videos, you can repeat the practices in the QR code, which are easy to learn and for understanding.
推薦序 Recommendations
作者介紹 Author introduction
學員學習心得分享 Learning thoughts sharing by trainees
前言 Foreword
PART 1 器具篇 Utensils
常用工具 Common tools
果凍花針 Jelly flower needles
PART 2 材料篇 Materials
果凍基底材料 Jelly base materials
調色顏色材料 Color-mixing materials
自製天然蔬果顏色材料 Self-made natural food coloring materials
PART 3 果凍基底與調色篇 Jelly base and color-mixing
煮透明果凍基底 Cooking the crystal jelly base
煮調色果凍基底 Cooking the color-mixing jelly base
調色 Color-mixing
封底 Bottom base
常用封底顏色與口味 Common bottom base color and it flavor
PART 4 小型果凍花基礎篇 Basics for small jelly flowers
1. 四種基礎花芯打法 Four basic stamen injection
2. 小櫻花 Little cherry flowers
3. 粉紅小花朵 Pink little flowers
4. 喜慶杯型粉紅小花朵 Pink little festive cup flower
5. 高腳杯型粉紅小花朵 Pink little goblet flower
6. 午時花 Mid-time flower
7. 半圓球藍白小花朵 Blue and white little dome ball flower
8. 愛心杯(兩款) Pink heart-shape cup
9. 3D果凍花月餅 3D jelly flower mooncakes
PART 5 進階篇設計及範例 Advance for designs and examples
10. 波斯菊 Cosmos
11. 木蘭花 Mongolia
12. 大理(麗)花 Dahlia
PART 6 喜慶百變造型 Variety shapes for festivals
13. 鬱金香 Tulips
14. 奼紫嫣紅(百花齊放)Brilliant purples and reds (hundred flowers in blossom)
15. 生日快樂—茶花 Happy birthday- camellia
PART 7 進階創意作品─果凍花的千變萬化展示 Creative works in advance- the demonstrations of the ever-changing jelly flowers