The symphony of Being: Beings Links

The symphony of Being: Beings Links


:NT$ 5952 元
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What Makes This Book Unique: The Glimmering Vision
What I've done here is provide a unique perspective on the intersection of science, spirituality, and human experience to transform your experience of connection and relationship. Here's what makes it unique:
  1. Holistic Integration of Multiple Domains
So, as we take a journey of the mind and body through science, philosophy, and spirituality, it weaves the quantum energies of your mind with the emotional synchronization and the synergy of your cultural narratives. Possessing a holistic approach, it gives readers a better understanding of interconnectedness.
  1. Applications You Can Use in Everyday Life
Every chapter ends with reflection exercises and practices that empower readers to apply abstract concepts to their own lives. These tools help practitioners increase self-awareness, fortify their relationships, and incite meaningful growth.
  1. Rich historical and cultural contexts.
You will find yourself empowered with practical tools that will help you connect with others and examine the various relationships you will encounter in your lifetime, reflecting on a globally spread connection, such as the Japanese Red String of Fate, African Ubuntu, and Islamic spirituality that transcends time, culture, and space, reminding us of our inherent, unwavering essence that connects us to each other and the world around us.
  1. Science and Spirituality Convergences
Owa has written this book because it explains the parallels of quantum entanglement, preserver tablot (الَّـوْحُ الْمَحْفُوظُ), and its concord with faith and science. The book demonstrates the true interconnectedness of all things.
  1. He is thoroughgoing and universal, yet possesses a transmuting edge.
Themes such as love, kindness, and gratitude, when examined through a quantum lens, encourage readers to cultivate ever-deeper relationships and communities, and enhance their comprehension of the significance of all three.
  1. New Connections Between Science and Relationships
This line of thinking makes the book really interesting because it relates human interactions to long-established principles such as superposition and entanglement of quantum systems to create an innovative way to interpret our relationships in terms of processes and several entities interacting with each other in a non-linear way.
Contribution and Vision of the Contemporary
In tune with the soaring interest in mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and the intersection of science and spirituality, this book addresses contemporary readers looking for greater meaning. It combines scientific rigor, emotional depth, and cultural wisdom in a way that few other resources do, and through its timelessness, it helps navigate an uncertain present.







定價:100 5952
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