《無極天主正教真傳實錄》Rectificación y Mejora de Principios Naturales本書是西班牙道明會嗃呣𠿢(Juan Cobo)神父,為了向華人宣揚天主教義及西方科學知識,在馬尼拉當地閩南人的幫助下完成翻譯工作,而後在華人刻工的協助下,於1593年完成刻版印刷傳世。書分為九個章節,前三章主要為介紹天主教教義,後六章則是有關天文、地理及動植物的科學知識,並附上生動的圖說,為現存世界上最早以閩南語將十六世紀西歐知識譯成漢字的書籍,具體呈現大航海時代閩南人與西班牙人在宗教、科學知識交流的過程與成果,為人類「世界記憶」(Memory of the World)的重要資產。This book was written by Spanish Dominican missionary Juan Cobo, who wished to spread Catholicism and western scientific knowledge to Chinese people. Its translation was completed in Manila with help from local Hokkien people, and it was printed in 1593 with aid from Chinese typographers. The book had nine chapters; the first three chapters mainly introduced Catholic doctrines, while the remaining six chapters contained scientific knowledge from fields such as astronomy, geography, zoology, and botany, which were complemented with vivid graphic illustrations. This book was considered the earliest work that translated 16th century Western European knowledge into Hokkien with Chinese charac
本書是研究在戰後中國成立的上海天主教教務協進委員會的首部專著。時值教廷在中國建立教會聖統制,並與國民黨政府展開正式外交關係,教務協進會在教廷駐華公使指導下,集合不同傳教修會的中外籍神職菁英,除了協調近140個教區的傳教活動,特別著重於文化傳教事業,運用現代媒體向城市知識分子傳播基督信仰的價值觀,抗衡唯物論者的反宗教宣傳。它又向全國推廣聖母軍,培育平信徒協助文化傳教,為使一旦神職人員無法履行牧職,天主教團體依然保持活力。最終,教務協進會在中共建國初年被取締,各項計劃未能實現,主要成員遭逮捕、驅逐或在拘禁期間殞命。儘管上海教務協進會鮮明的歷史角色結束,它卻在台北和新加坡開枝散葉,協調全球華人傳教工作,本書的敘述延伸至這兩個鮮少有人研究的機構。 This book may be called a groundbreaking work of research into the historical event of the Shanghai Catholic Central Bureau (CCB), which was an ecclesiastical executive organ set up by the Apostolic Internuncio after the establishment of Sino-Vatican diplomatic relations and the Catholic Hierarchy in post-war China. Besides coordinating missionary activities of nearly 140 dioceses administered by various religious congregations, it promoted a cultural apostolate with the use of modern communication media to guide people in the understanding of the Catholic faith and advise missionary work in the face of anti-religious propaganda by materialists. It also trained t
作者夏其龍神父:「天主教在這世界上,存在了近二千年之久。天主教傳到東方後,在中國、香港,亦有近千多年的歷史,教會至今仍是生氣勃勃。我們想了解天主教,最好的方法就是從歷史的角度開始。如果君士坦丁大帝沒有介入宗教,把天主教變成一個組織,今天它便不一定能成為普世宗教,而只在一些小地方、小村落流傳。在理清歷史的來龍去脈後,我們才會明白天主教的精神,抽絲剝繭地找到它的核心。」本書是三聯書店與Open Quo
The Catholic Church is one of the few institutions that have survived since the inception of the British colony. She has contributed much during its development. As early as 1841, she set up a mission
The Catholic Church is one of the few institutions that have survived since the inception of the British colony. She has contributed much during its development. As early as 1841, she set up a mission in Hong Kong. She and her various religious orders and congregations engaged in charitable works for the poor and the elderly in the early days of Hong Kong, greatly relieving the burden on the newly established colonial government. Today, apart from religious services, the Catholic Church still plays an important role in providing Hong Kong with diversified and professional services in medical care, education and social welfare. Historical studies on the Catholic Church in Hong Kong of a comprehensive nature are rare in comparison with other religions. The reasons of this may include the complicated organizational structure of the Catholic Church and the multiple languages used in the archival documents, such as Latin, French, Italian and Portuguese. As a Catholic clergy, the author of