Selfish, obscenely rich, insular, and opportunistic: these remain how Chinese minorities in Indonesia are perceived by the indigenous population. However, far from being passive victims of discriminat
This groundbreaking volume captures and analyzes the exhilarating and at times disorienting experience when scientists, government officials, educators, and the general public in East Asia tried to co
賈伯斯創建世上最有價值的公司、比爾蓋茲再度蟬聯世上首富的寶座、「宅男行不行」(The Big Bang Theory)是十年來最夯的喜劇影集,令「阿宅」、「怪咖」(Nerd)、「極客」(Geek)儼然成為時尚新趨。名人、名模,甚至運動員莫不戴上平面鏡框眼鏡,並為這種裝扮起了個名稱:宅時髦 。於是怪咖、極客、阿宅們終於可以歡呼勝利,不再害怕無所不在的惡霸。經過多年被貼上與流行文化格格不入的標籤,他們
Chinese-speaking popular cultures have never been so queer in this digital, globalist age. The title of this pioneering volume, Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols: Queer Fan Cultures in Mainla