FOREWORDAt the beginning of 2024, I was invited to contribute to a project focused on women who engage in futures thinking and foresight. As a cornerstone of the project, a seminarwas planned to celebrateInternational Women’s Day. In preparation for the event, a vibrant exchange unfolded in a WhatsApp group. Participants, including myself, posed questions, suggested sessions, and explored shared concerns and interests. The following were some of the questions raised:• Why do so many people, who agree with the principles of feminism, hesitate to identify themselves as feminists?• What does feminism signify in 2024?• How should we define it?• Can individuals of genders other than women be feminists?• Is feminism still relevant, or is it considered passé?• Does the concept of feminism require rebranding?• Should we discuss feminism in the singular or feminismS in the plural?• Are we now closer to achieving the central feminist vision of an equitable
曾幾何時,一個不知從哪裡冒出來的年輕女孩,在這個深陷男權的時代突然發出了一句擲地有聲的宣言:「我,厭男。」 「厭男」(misandrie)一詞源自古希臘文「厭惡」(misos)和「男人」(aner)的結合。Le Petit Robert詞典中,對該詞的定義是:「對性別為男的人士感覺到厭惡的事實,」並明確指出,「與『厭女』相對。」但在這個詞上,存在一個問題。「性別為男的人士」,意指在男性為主導的體制中自然獲益的男人:這個世界屬於他們,身處其中的其他群體也屬於他們。 厭男是一種回應,並非針對絕對的男性性別。