An indispensable reference to the development of the Chinese economy—past, present, and future.—DALE W. JORGENSON, Samuel W. Morris University Professor, Harvard University Since China undertook economic reform and opened its economy to the world in the late 1970s, its economy has been growing at an average annual rate of over 9 percent for more than four decades. No other economy in recorded history has grown at such a high rate and for such a long period as China has done. The questions that naturally arise are: Was the Chinese economy a miracle? Or was it a mere bubble? Will the Chinese economy begin to stagnate like the Japanese economy did in the 1990s, and perhaps decline? Will it be able to escape the “middle-income trap”? If it is not a miracle, can the Chinese development experience be replicated elsewhere? This book provides a comprehensive and detailed discussion of the remarkable growth of the Chinese economy over the past decades, by scrutinising the sources of e
***《臺灣為什麼重要?》作者任雪麗(Shelley Rigger),這次要告訴我們一個拚經濟的故事:臺商與臺企如何拚出了中國經濟起飛。***還記得嗎?一九九五年上映的首集《玩具總動員》裡,原本自認是太空騎警的巴斯光年,發現手臂上刻著「Made in Taiwan(臺灣製造)」字樣,才認識到自己只是量產玩具。那是一個頌揚臺灣「經濟奇蹟」的年代。只是,如果把當年情節照搬至今日拍攝,巴斯光年看到的無疑會是「Made in China(中國製造)」,現在令世人稱奇的也變作「中國崛起」。你或許以為:中國經濟起飛的關鍵在於二○○一年加入世界貿易組織(WTO),自此如鴻鵠展翅,將燕雀臺灣遠拋在後。但本書要告訴你:沒有臺灣人的指引,就沒有中國崛起。美國著名臺灣專家任雪麗,於書中追溯並勾勒了戰後至今數十年來,海峽兩岸經濟從完全脫鉤到逐步整合的過程。她認為,臺商與臺企居中牽線,領航中國接軌國際,是中國經濟得以騰躍的一塊最重要跳板。她更主張,若無上述二者之助,中國未必能有今日繁榮光景,至少無法上升如此快速。因此,她特意以臺灣商人與企業為主角,講述他們為何跨海到中國拚經濟,又是如何拚出事業第二春,以及如何在無形中協助了本對全球市場需求陌生的中國企業日益茁壯,最終建立起紅色供應鏈。而且不只經濟。作者強調臺灣人大舉西進後,對中國的文化與社會也造成廣泛影響,像是帶起拍婚紗、吃個人小火鍋、喝咖啡等輕奢風尚;由於做了不少一手訪談,寫來相當生動有趣。在臺灣與中國之間緊密的經濟紐帶,因為兩岸緊張局勢和美中角力衝突可能將發生重大變化的時刻,本書帶領我們回顧歷史、分析現下與展望未來,可說是及時之作。而作者在談兩岸經濟互動的同時,自不免需要梳理臺灣經濟變遷:從香蕉王國到雨傘王國,從做Nike到做iPhone乃至做晶圓代工。對於想要迅速掌握當代臺灣經濟發展大略的讀者,本書也是絕佳入門。