伊恩.麥克哈格以《道法自然》(Design with Nature)一書而聞名,該書開創生態規劃的思想,強調人與自然環境之間的和諧共生關係,並提出生態景觀設計與永續環境規畫的重要方法,引發公眾對環境議題的深度關注,是20世紀最有影響力的環境規劃師和景觀設計師之一。2019年是《道法自然》出版50周年,弗雷德里克,斯坦納等世界各國深受麥克哈格思想影響的專家學者共同合作,編著了《道法自然進行式》(Design with Nature Now)一書,目的除了紀念麥克哈格以及他偉大的思想,更重要的是探討過去50年的道法自然理念發展,以及如今這個時代所面臨的問題以及應對的永續設計方向。
How a professional understands “landscape” will determine the valuehe/she places on it and the actions he/she will take to intervene. Inother words, the view of landscape influences fundamentally how andin what way the landscape profession involves itself in a landscape. Theview of landscape gives direction to guide professional performance and also the impetus driving the use of knowledge and technical skills to provide solutions to landscape issues. Indeed, our limited knowledgeand understanding of a landscape can limit the creative solutions we can offer.This book aims to clarify the concept of landscape using the most recentunderstandings to offer diverse and profound new meanings which canpoint towards novel creative landscape interventions. In order to buildthe links between landscape theories and everyday life experience, thisbook interprets landscape according to five interlayered dimensions.It was written in two languages, and uses notes, stories, drawings, andphotos of the au