出發!走一趟香港旅程!香港是一個充滿活力的美麗城市,中西文化之薈萃令這裏更多姿多彩!高樓林立的天際大厦和大自然山徑的風景、標誌性的維多利亞港、蔚藍的天空、碧綠的海水,使香港風景如畫,格外迷人。 Let’s go! Embark on your journey to Hong Kong!Hong Kong is a beautiful city full of vibrancy, where the blend of Eastern and Western cultures makes it even more colourful and diverse! The impressive skyscrapers, the scenery of mountain trails, the iconic Victoria Harbour, the clear sky and the surrounding blue sea, all make Hong Kong incredibly attractive and scenic.