近年大眾對紫砂的認識,大多只停留在炒賣的亂象,幾曾想起一把壺背後,被遺忘的歷史淵源,以及匠人名家在創作和收藏過程中的執着和熱忱。 本書罕有集中港台兩岸三地紫砂專家惠賜鴻文,包括內地專家裴峻峰教授和高振宇老師,香港學者林雪虹博士和蔡惠鈞小姐,更有台灣茶學專家池宗憲先生,藉着「藏」、「情」、「賞」、「緣」四大面向,分享他們的收藏和觀賞紫砂茶具之樂,緬懷紫砂巨匠在紫砂藝術上的貢獻,以及如何與紫砂結上半生緣,來讓讀者重新了解紫砂深厚的文化底蘊。 While the public’s general impression of purple clay still rests at its period of confusing speculation, not many would therefore recall the forgotten history and the lineage of development behind a piece of pot, as well as the perseverance and passion of masters and artisans during the process of creation and collection. This book is a rare collection of essays from the purple clay specialists and scholars from China mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, including Professor Pei Junfeng and Mr. Gao Zhenyu from the mainland, Dr. Anne Lam and Miss Virginia Choy from Hong Kong, and especially the tea expert Mr. Chee Jung Sien from Taiwan, to share their delight of collecting and appreciating purple clay teapot through the four aspects: “collection“, “love