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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

I'm a Maths Star!(SET 1)
作者:Boaz  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2021/12/30 裝訂:平裝
《我是數學明星!》系列作者群是由新加坡國立教育學院(NIE)教授們所組成,系列書以故事形式呈現具有挑戰性的數學難題,透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式教學技巧,逐步描述並帶領讀者解決難題,這些教學技巧也是新加坡知名的數學教學的一部分。透過插圖和有趣的故事情節,小讀者將在學習數學的路上受到啟發,提升理解力、學習數學表示和解決有趣的數學問題!本書附有知名數學教師Yeap Ban Har 博士所提供的課後習題與解答。The I'm a Math Star! series comprises challenging Math puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Math heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world renowned Singapore Math curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Math heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Math problems!
定價:848 元, 優惠價:9 763
The Girl and the Princess精裝
作者:Boaz  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:精裝
一個富有同情心的女孩主動幫助一位陷入困境的王子!王子想要拯救被邪惡女巫詛咒的公主,而詛咒的形式是一個耐人尋味的數學謎題,最終將需要女孩和王子的智慧來解開,他們能及時做到嗎?《我是數學明星!》系列作者群是由新加坡過立教育學院(NIE)教授們所組成,系列書以故事形式呈現具有挑戰性的數學難題,透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式教學技巧,逐步描述並帶領讀者解決難題,這些教學技巧也是新加坡知名的數學教學的一部分。透過插圖和有趣的故事情節,小讀者將在學習數學的路上受到啟發,提升理解力、學習數學表示和解決有趣的數學問題!本書附有知名數學教師Yeap Ban Har 博士所提供的課後習題與解答。A compassionate girl offers to help a prince in distress! The prince wants to save his princess who is under the curse of a wicked witch. The curse is in the form of an intriguing Maths puzzle that will end up taking the wits of both the girl and the prince to solve. Will they be able to do it in time?The I'm a Math Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspire
庫存 > 10
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
The Girl and the Birthday Problem精裝
作者:Boaz  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:精裝
當老師雪麗爾小姐調皮地為她學生的父母設計一個測試IQ難題時,她的學生很高興地發現她的父母能夠迅速解決這個問題。但是,他們是怎麼做到的呢?讓我們一起來找出答案!《我是數學明星!》系列作者群是由新加坡過立教育學院(NIE)教授們所組成,系列書以故事形式呈現具有挑戰性的數學難題,透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式教學技巧,逐步描述並帶領讀者解決難題,這些教學技巧也是新加坡知名的數學教學的一部分。透過插圖和有趣的故事情節,小讀者將在學習數學的路上受到啟發,提升理解力、學習數學表示和解決有趣的數學問題!本書附有知名數學教師Yeap Ban Har 博士所提供的課後習題與解答。When Miss Cheryl the teacher cheekily sets an IQ puzzle for her student's parents, her student is delighted to find that her parents are able to solve it quickly. But, how did they do it? Let's find out!The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Includes a Gu
庫存 > 10
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
The Boy and the Ants精裝
作者:Boaz  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:精裝
一個盯著螞蟻看的男孩突然想到一道有趣但又難的數學題。如果螞蟻不斷相互碰撞並改變方向,牠們需要多久的時間才能從棍子上掉下來?這聽起來像是一個不可能解開的謎題嗎?並非如此!讓我們一起繼續讀下去,看看男孩如何找出巧妙解決方案!《我是數學明星!》系列作者群是由新加坡過立教育學院(NIE)教授們所組成,系列書以故事形式呈現具有挑戰性的數學難題,透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式教學技巧,逐步描述並帶領讀者解決難題,這些教學技巧也是新加坡知名的數學教學的一部分。透過插圖和有趣的故事情節,小讀者將在學習數學的路上受到啟發,提升理解力、學習數學表示和解決有趣的數學問題!本書附有知名數學教師Yeap Ban Har 博士所提供的課後習題與解答。A boy staring at ants suddenly thinks of a fun but difficult Maths problem. How long will it take the ants to fall off the stick he's looking at, if they keep bumping into each other and changing directions? Does this sound impossible to solve? It isn't! Read on to find out the boy's ingenious solution!The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths
庫存 > 10
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
The Boy and the Ants
作者:Boaz  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:平裝
一個盯著螞蟻看的男孩突然想到一道有趣但又難的數學題。如果螞蟻不斷相互碰撞並改變方向,牠們需要多久的時間才能從棍子上掉下來?這聽起來像是一個不可能解開的謎題嗎?並非如此!讓我們一起繼續讀下去,看看男孩如何找出巧妙解決方案!《我是數學明星!》系列作者群是由新加坡過立教育學院(NIE)教授們所組成,系列書以故事形式呈現具有挑戰性的數學難題,透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式教學技巧,逐步描述並帶領讀者解決難題,這些教學技巧也是新加坡知名的數學教學的一部分。透過插圖和有趣的故事情節,小讀者將在學習數學的路上受到啟發,提升理解力、學習數學表示和解決有趣的數學問題!本書附有知名數學教師Yeap Ban Har 博士所提供的課後習題與解答。A boy staring at ants suddenly thinks of a fun but difficult Maths problem. How long will it take the ants to fall off the stick he's looking at, if they keep bumping into each other and changing directions? Does this sound impossible to solve? It isn't! Read on to find out the boy's ingenious solution!The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
The Girl and the Birthday Problem
作者:Boaz  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:平裝
當老師雪麗爾小姐調皮地為她學生的父母設計一個測試IQ難題時,她的學生很高興地發現她的父母能夠迅速解決這個問題。但是,他們是怎麼做到的呢?讓我們一起來找出答案!《我是數學明星!》系列作者群是由新加坡過立教育學院(NIE)教授們所組成,系列書以故事形式呈現具有挑戰性的數學難題,透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式教學技巧,逐步描述並帶領讀者解決難題,這些教學技巧也是新加坡知名的數學教學的一部分。透過插圖和有趣的故事情節,小讀者將在學習數學的路上受到啟發,提升理解力、學習數學表示和解決有趣的數學問題!本書附有知名數學教師Yeap Ban Har 博士所提供的課後習題與解答。When Miss Cheryl the teacher cheekily sets an IQ puzzle for her student's parents, her student is delighted to find that her parents are able to solve it quickly. But, how did they do it? Let's find out!The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Includes a Gu
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
The Girl and the Princess
作者:Boaz  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:平裝
一個富有同情心的女孩主動幫助一位陷入困境的王子!王子想要拯救被邪惡女巫詛咒的公主,而詛咒的形式是一個耐人尋味的數學謎題,最終將需要女孩和王子的智慧來解開,他們能及時做到嗎?《我是數學明星!》系列作者群是由新加坡過立教育學院(NIE)教授們所組成,系列書以故事形式呈現具有挑戰性的數學難題,透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式教學技巧,逐步描述並帶領讀者解決難題,這些教學技巧也是新加坡知名的數學教學的一部分。透過插圖和有趣的故事情節,小讀者將在學習數學的路上受到啟發,提升理解力、學習數學表示和解決有趣的數學問題!本書附有知名數學教師Yeap Ban Har 博士所提供的課後習題與解答。A compassionate girl offers to help a prince in distress! The prince wants to save his princess who is under the curse of a wicked witch. The curse is in the form of an intriguing Maths puzzle that will end up taking the wits of both the girl and the prince to solve. Will they be able to do it in time?The I'm a Math Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspire
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
Who Am I?
作者:Jachin Boaz  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:912 元, 優惠價:1 912
The Libertarian Mind:A Manifesto for Freedom
作者:David Boaz  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2025/03/06 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
作者:Boaz Gavish  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2025/01/19 裝訂:精裝
定價:944 元, 優惠價:1 944
The Places I Love to Poop On
作者:Boaz Gavish  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2025/01/19 裝訂:平裝
定價:672 元, 優惠價:1 672
This Unfortunate Situation
作者:Boaz Kelvin Smith  出版社:Bookbaby  出版日:2024/12/17 裝訂:平裝
定價:494 元, 優惠價:1 494
作者:Boaz Muyuku Kagabika  出版社:ED NOTRE SAVIOR  出版日:2025/01/06 裝訂:平裝
作者:Boaz Muyuku Kagabika  出版社:LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUB  出版日:2024/12/16 裝訂:平裝
作者:Boaz Muyuku Kagabika  出版社:EDICOES NOSSO CONHECIMENTO  出版日:2025/01/06 裝訂:平裝
作者:Boaz Muyuku Kagabika  出版社:WYDAWNICTWO NASZA WIEDZA  出版日:2025/01/06 裝訂:平裝
作者:Boaz Muyuku Kagabika  出版社:ED NOTRE SAVIOR  出版日:2025/01/06 裝訂:平裝
作者:Boaz Muyuku Kagabika  出版社:Verlag Unser Wissen  出版日:2025/01/06 裝訂:平裝
Mashallah Cat: The Little Pink Hijab
作者:Boaz C. Abel  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/01/13 裝訂:平裝
定價:768 元, 優惠價:1 768
作者:Frank J. M. Verstraete; Milinda J. Lommer; Boaz Arzi  出版社:台灣愛思唯爾  出版日:2022/07/11 裝訂:平裝
學習掌握高度專業化的動物外科技巧!《犬貓口腔與上頜顏面外科,第二版》提供了獨特、詳細、完整、包含豐富照片的外科手術說明,足以提升所有外科及牙科獸醫師的治療成果。第二版是人醫及獸醫口腔外科醫師通力合作的成果,每位作者皆是該領域的箇中翹楚。書中收錄大量深入的臨床照片與插圖,是學生與醫師必不可缺缺的資源。本書包含以下特點:• 新增獨立章節,探討口腔與上頜顏面外科、壓電式手術、顳下頜關節僵硬與偽僵硬之影像診斷最新發展,以及上頜顏面外科再生技術。• 由超過30位此領域國際頂尖人醫與獸醫外科醫師合力撰寫!• 獨一無二,市場上唯一一本致力於重要性日益漸增的外科專業書籍,讓您了解高度專業化的實務。• 高解析度照片結合循序漸進的文字引導,幫助您正確理解內容。• 深入描述手術情境,詳細說明手術過程的每個程序。
定價:4000 元, 優惠價:95 3800
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