Benny Chia’s memoir of life on the fringe is a vivacious slice of Hong Kong’s life and cultural development at a time of minimal institutional support. His colourful and anecdotal story will interest culture practitioners as well as the general reader curious about the Fringe Club and its role as a seedbed for local artists and as a venue for international ones, both functions championed by Benny at the helm of this small but important institution housed in a distinctive former ice house in Central. general reader curious about the Fringe Club and its role as a seedbed for local artists and as a venue for international ones, both functions championed by Benny at the helm of this small but important institution housed in a distinctive former ice house in Central.
San is in her spaceship! Lion is keeping her company. What will they see and do next?The universe is almost, but not quite, bigger than imagination. Within it, we are sheltered by a place we call 'hom
On the occasion of the National Museum of History’s sixtieth birthday, the museum’s staff, in order to express to the museum the deepest of blessings, have especially prepared this publication, Treasu