Do you get depressed every time a date turns out to be a dud?Are you devastated when you don't get "the call" from a guy you like? Do you constantly check your dates out for marriage potential? Chance
This textbook carefully develops the main ideas and techniques of statistical and thermal physics and is intended for upper-level undergraduate courses. The authors each have more than thirty years'
本書三大特色:一、世界聞名的BBC Worldwide所授權出版的專業新聞英語教材。二、學習最新的新聞英語:專業、正確、有效率。三、凸顯內容的深度、廣度,增廣國際視野。本書共分為33單元。每個單元內容為:三至四段短文:皆取自BBC World News,並附有實況CD供練習聽力。習題:每個單元皆有10至12個TOEIC(多益)式的習題,可練習聽力、理解力、閱讀和寫作能力。專欄:包括「你知道嗎?」:
Completed shortly before his death, this is the last work of science from the most celebrated popular science writer in the world. In characteristic form, Gould weaves the ideas of some of Western s
Understanding and applying psychology within youth sport settings is key to maximising young athletes’ enjoyment, wellbeing, and sporting performance. Written by a team of leading international resear
"The goal of this handbook is to aid teachers in implementing the CCSSM approach by helping students to develop a modeling disposition, that is, to encourage recognition of mathematical opportunities
Construction Project Management, Third Edition provides readers with the “big picture” of the construction management process, giving a perspective as to how the construction industry functions in rel
Bacterial spores are the most resistant and dormant forms of life on earth. Therefore, they are of great fundamental interest. They are the targets for inactivation in some of the largest food and pha