The most comprehensive psychiatric nursing care planning text available assists students and practitioners in providing effective care in a variety of settings. Clear presentation of information, con
軍事、執法、消防及救難等戰術職業,要求身體必須處於最佳狀態,以便能完美達成任務並降低傷害風險。《戰術肌力與體能訓練》包含科學資訊,得以在商業或政府健身中心與戰術運動員合作,協助實施或重組肌力與體能計畫,達成這些目標。編輯Brent A. Alvar、Katie Sell及Patricia A. Deuster擁有豐富的經驗,在各自領域中擔任學者和從業者。他們組織一批傑出貢獻者,結合學術界、運動訓練
"Relational Psychotherapy: A Primer" advances the understanding of this comprehensive, reliable model of treatment as it follows the trajectory of the therapy process from beginning to end. Using clea
A youthful artist is possessed by both his painting and his muse. Seductive travelers from the sea arrive to enrapture distant lovers. A temporary moon goddess inhabits the statue of a mermaid. After