“Dundee is one of the greatest innovators in the annals of the sweet science?guiding world champions as diverse in gladiatorial gifts and mind-sets as Carmen Basilio, Willie Pastrano, Luis Rodriguez,
本書係根據Ross、Westerfield和Jordan所撰寫之《財務管理》(Fundamentals of Corporate Finance)第十二版中譯而成。中譯全書共分為七大部分,包含公司理財、財務報表與長期財務規劃、未來現金流量評價、資本預算、風險與報酬、資金成本與長期財務政策、短期財務規劃與管理等主題,共計18章。內容涵蓋了財務管理所需的各種觀念與技巧,並且新增許多有助於使用者了解之E
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A must-have guide that covers all the new features of Visual Studio 2010Visual Studio allows you to create and manage programming projects for the Windows platform, and the new 2010 version has underg
Professional Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is the latest version in the ongoing evolution of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and this resource examines the diverse fac
A revolution in gender relations occurred in London around 1700, resulting in a sexual system that endured in many aspects until the sexual revolution of the 1960s. For the first time in European hist
你是否把「愛吃中國菜」說成「愛吃中國塞」,害人憋笑到內傷?或是「Come in」、「Coming」傻傻分不清,老讓人苦等門外? 語言雖不難學,犯起錯來卻一大堆,看本書用「照妖鏡」一一揭露你的錯誤!中文錯誤大暴走:Kate在樓梯抽菸→Kate在裸體抽菸英文錯誤大暴走:I owe you one dollar.→I want to find you a dollar.(我要找你一塊錢→我要為你找