360 vegetarian recipes to fit the time you have available. Cook the 10-, 20- or 30- minute version and you'll have delicious results every time - whichever recipe version you use. @font-f
An internationally-influenced collection of slow cooking recipes with an emphasis on currys includes Burmese golden rice, spiced prawn and pineapple curry, and Bangkok sour pork curry.
Curries have long been a favorite in restaurants but it is also so easy to prepare spectacular, fragrant and exotic dishes at home which are far healthier than any takeout version. Focusing on divine
Discover the amazing versatility of wok cooking, with this collection of more than 160 fresh and aromatic dishes - from stir-frying and braising to steaming and deep-frying, there are delicious recipe
Cooking with a wok is one of the simplest ways of making delicious food. Its versatility is unparalleled - it can be ed it for stir-frying, braising, steaming and deep-frying. This fantastic new volum
Explore the amazing versatility of the wok in this special collection of fabuous dishes. An expert introduction provides information on types of wok, its history and other special equipment, as well a