Named one of the Ten Best Books of the Year by the New York Times Book Review Almost a decade in the making , this much-anticipated grand history of postwar Europe from one of the world's most esteeme
This volume provides the first comparative survey of the relations between the two most active book worlds in Eurasia between 1450 and 1850. Prominent scholars in book history explore different approa
翻開這本書,你就是主角!您將被發射到歐洲核子研究中心(CERN),世界上最著名的實驗室之一:一個由地下隧道、大規模實驗和技術奇蹟組成的真正的科學仙境。您可以選擇扮演研究人員、學生或遊客的角色,您的選擇創造了不同的故事……但要成功完成冒險,需要加上直覺和一點運氣,並解決一路上的難題。保持警惕並睜大眼睛注意隨時出現恐龍……它是否來自附近的侏羅山,跟侏羅紀公園的名字源自同一個地方?你將會在書中的任何角落遇到貓咪Schrödy!牠除了貪吃,還會為您解釋所有特殊詞彙(黑體字),並為您製作了一個詞彙對照表。準備好迎接一場充滿關於粒子和科學奇蹟的神奇冒險,展開故事,探索宇宙未解之謎,最重要的是,享受書中的遊戲和小測驗帶來的樂趣!你準備好面對巨大的史前巨獸,發現微小粒子的秘密了嗎?As soon as you open this book, YOU become the protagonist!You will be catapulted to CERN, one of the most famous laboratories in the world — a real scientific wonderland of underground tunnels, massive experiments and technological marvels.You can choose to play the role of a researcher, a student or a tourist, but keep your eyes open for a threatening dinosaur... Is it coming from the nearby Jura Mountains, the same place that gave Jurassic its name?Prepare yourself for a rather bizarre adventure filled with loads of brain-tickling facts about particles and science wonders. Unfold the story, explore the unsolved mysteries of the Universe, and most import
翻開這本書,你就是主角!您將被發射到歐洲核子研究中心(CERN),世界上最著名的實驗室之一:一個由地下隧道、大規模實驗和技術奇蹟組成的真正的科學仙境。您可以選擇扮演研究人員、學生或遊客的角色,您的選擇創造了不同的故事……但要成功完成冒險,需要加上直覺和一點運氣,並解決一路上的難題。保持警惕並睜大眼睛注意隨時出現恐龍……它是否來自附近的侏羅山,跟侏羅紀公園的名字源自同一個地方?你將會在書中的任何角落遇到貓咪Schrödy!牠除了貪吃,還會為您解釋所有特殊詞彙(黑體字),並為您製作了一個詞彙對照表。準備好迎接一場充滿關於粒子和科學奇蹟的神奇冒險,展開故事,探索宇宙未解之謎,最重要的是,享受書中的遊戲和小測驗帶來的樂趣!你準備好面對巨大的史前巨獸,發現微小粒子的秘密了嗎?As soon as you open this book, YOU become the protagonist!You will be catapulted to CERN, one of the most famous laboratories in the world — a real scientific wonderland of underground tunnels, massive experiments and technological marvels.You can choose to play the role of a researcher, a student or a tourist, but keep your eyes open for a threatening dinosaur... Is it coming from the nearby Jura Mountains, the same place that gave Jurassic its name?Prepare yourself for a rather bizarre adventure filled with loads of brain-tickling facts about particles and science wonders. Unfold the story, explore the unsolved mysteries of the Universe, and most import