INTRODUCTIONSelf-Access Language Learning (SALL) has played a prominent part in language education in universities. Its role is to foster autonomous learning among students. With the wide-spread imple
Focusing on the latest management trends, Transformational HRM Practices for Hong Kong provides HR professionals with a comprehensive and accessible guide to human resource management in Hong Kong. Wr
【本書特色】★樊登讀書創始人樊登博士5年沉澱,重磅新作/★百萬讀者信賴的《可複製的領導力》非說不可第二部/◎劉潤、馬克凡 Mark Ven Chao、寧向東 專文推薦/◎張國洋、許景泰、謝文憲、俞敏洪、劉東華、宋志平 強力推薦【內容簡介】在一個優秀的員工就能拯救一家公司的瘋狂世界中,人的個性和活力已經成為最稀缺的資源。天才般的人都不是靠流程和規定打造出來的,而是自己「長」出來的。領導者當前最重要的課題就是激發員工成為「沉浸者」,而不是當工具人!《可複製的領導力》說:讓80%的員工做到80分,但現在,拯救公司的不再是這80%勤勤懇懇的人。所以,《可複製的領導力(2)》說:要讓10%的員工做到1萬分。樊登說:「不是每一本暢銷書都應該出續集,除非作者真的有話要說。」在《可複製的領導力》中,他強調「讓80%的人做到80分」就是優秀團隊,但在如今因為網路、AI而變瘋狂的世界裡,一個人坐在直播間裡就可以賣出十家大商場的量,一個優秀的員工就能拯救一家公司。過去企業管理所強調的「標竿學習」「最佳案例」現在往往都變成一個又一個坑。因為環境變化太快,技術更迭太快,消費者興趣轉換太快,明星紅得太快、涼得更快,所以你只能做自己的最佳案例,而無法模仿和追逐別人的腳步。因應瞬息萬變的趨勢,樊登在本書提出他認為會讓很多管理者覺得不安全、不爽,但最有益的領導力心得,「要讓10%的人做到1萬分」,優秀的員工會自己長出來。透過打造理念、方法論和技術工具三支柱,樊登給你可複製的法則,讓你的領導力再進化!
When Wilson receives a laptop to help with his schoolwork, he''s obsessed! The Internet is an amazing place. In seconds, he can find answers to any question he asks. But soon, the screen becomes too all-consuming and Wilson doesn''t spend any time off of it! It''s almost like he isn''t there anymore. Can Wilson go back to life before screens?The I Am Healthy series comprises children''s picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based approach, each book contains a relatable story that will help children understand themselves better, and be able to take practical steps to grow, develop and change. These books can be used by educators in schools, by couns
When Wilson receives a laptop to help with his schoolwork, he''s obsessed! The Internet is an amazing place. In seconds, he can find answers to any question he asks. But soon, the screen becomes too all-consuming and Wilson doesn''t spend any time off of it! It''s almost like he isn''t there anymore. Can Wilson go back to life before screens?The I Am Healthy series comprises children''s picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based approach, each book contains a relatable story that will help children understand themselves better, and be able to take practical steps to grow, develop and change. These books can be used by educators in schools, by couns