If you lived on the moon, you would have two straight weeks of daylight and then two weeks of night! On earth, we have both day and night in just twenty-four hours, thanks to the quick rotation of our
If you lived on the moon, you would have two straight weeks of daylight and then two weeks of night! On earth, we have both day and night in just twenty-four hours, thanks to the quick rotation of our planet.Now rebranded with a new cover look, this classic picture book uses simple, fun diagrams and a guided experiment to explain what makes day and night. This book also includes a find out more section with additional activities to track nocturnal animals and to compare different times of day around the world.This picture book is written by children''s book veteran and former Chairman of the American Museum–Hayden Planetarium Franklyn M. Branley and features illustrations from Pura Belpre Award Honoree Arthur Dorros. Both text and artwork were expert-vetted for accuracy.This is a Level 2 Let''s-Read-and-Find-Out, which means the book explores more challenging concepts perfect for childre
More Than 1001 Days and Nights of Hong Kong Internment is the wartime journal of Sir Chaloner Grenville Alabaster, former attorney-general of Hong Kong and one of the three highest-ranking British officials during the Japanese occupation. He was imprisoned by the Japanese at the Stanley Internment Camp from 1941 to 1945. During his internment, he managed to keep a diary of his life in the camp in small notebooks and hid them until his release in 1945. He then wrote his wartime journal on the basis of these notes. The journal records his day-to-day experiences of the fall of Hong Kong, his time at Stanley, and his eventual release. Some of the most fascinating extracts cover the three months immediately after the fall of Hong Kong and when Alabaster and his colleagues were imprisoned in Prince’s Building in Central and before they were sent to the camp, a period little covered in previous publications. Hence, the book is an important primary source for understanding the daily operation