The “ASEAN Way” is based on the principle of consensus; any individual member state effectively has a veto over any proposal with which it disagrees. Dividing ASEAN and Conquering the South China Sea
Chinese-speaking popular cultures have never been so queer in this digital, globalist age. The title of this pioneering volume, Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols: Queer Fan Cultures in Mainla
As a Cultural construct, gender is fictional and imagined, yet its ideological and representational effects on the formation of self and identity are quite real. The fiction behind the fictional, which many accepts as truth, is at the core of what is most intriguing about the problem of gender. Critiquing this narrative, Gender, Discourse, and the Self in Literature unravels the strategies that writers and filmmakers adopt in their (de)construction of the gendered self in three Chinese communities: mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Writing from the vantage points of film, literature, and gender studies, contributors make an innovative marriage to Western gender discourse and the construction and representation of self and identity in contemporary China.
The two Taiwan Strait crises took place during a particularly tense period of the Cold War. Although each incident was relatively brief, their consequences loom large. Based on analyses of newly avail
“Taiwan is not China.The Taiwanese are not the Chinese.Taiwan should be ruled by Taiwanese themselves.”This long-awaited English version will be the foundation stone on which for the peoples of the world will deepen their understanding of the Taiwan affairs and the Taiwan-China relations.The US Presidential election having turned out as it did, the world is watching Taiwan closer and harder than ever before - now what happens to Taiwan?Taiwan is no part of China. Taiwanese are not Chinese. This book tells just that.The author, Ong Iok-tek, also a linguist, wrote this book while in exile in Japan to let the world know the truth of the history of Taiwan. Ardently read and reread over half a century since its publication, this book has come to claim its due status as the most authentic historical account of Taiwan that has affected many a Taiwanese. It goes and proves then that this book so vividly portrays the realty of Taiwan based strictly on nothing but scientific, objective truths.Ch