★ 本書獲美國亞馬遜 4.5顆星評價!「施予是必要的,但更要知道如何施予。」"It Is Necessary to Give. It Is More Necessary to Know How."我們常常在思考人行善或作惡的緣由,卻往往百思不得其解,儘管其中有幾個顯而易見的理由,例如罪惡感、自責、害怕杜會責難、宗教導引,甚或是對於最終審判的恐懼,但為什麼有些人就算天塌了也難有什麼慈善作為,有些人看到遊民接近時卻會主動掏出錢來?是什麼樣的施予滿足了那些施予者的需求?那樣施予的需求又是從何而來的?其間有何法則呢?將近一千年以前,偉大的哲學家及醫師麥摩尼地斯(Maimonides),亦即希伯來人所知的藍邦(Rambam),藉由思考「公義」這個問題,而從中領悟出「慈悲之梯」(The Ladder of Giving,又名 The Ladder of Charity)。【麥摩尼地斯的八級階梯】(The Ladder of Giving / Charity)麥摩尼地斯的八級階梯是由頂端最高階段的施予開始寫起,一路寫下來,從理想到現實,各階段主題為「勉強」、「比例」、「懇求」、「羞愧」、「界限」、「腐敗」、「匿名」、「責任」;最低階是屬於吝嗇的施予者,頂點則屬於能幫助窮人自給自足的施予者。◆ 第一階 勉強:吝嗇地施予(Reluctance: To give begrudgingly)◆ 第二階 比例:不是很適當地施予給窮人,但卻樂意這麼做(Proportion: To give less to the poor than is proper, but todo so cheerfully)◆ 第三階 懇求:窮人請求後才給他們錢(Solicitation: To hand money to the poor after being asked)◆ 第四階 羞愧:在窮人請求前就給他們錢,但是冒著讓接受者覺得羞愧的風險(Shame: To hand money to the poor before being asked, but risk making the recipient feel shame)◆ 第五階 界限:施予給你並不認識的人,但讓他們知道你的名字(Boundaries: To give to someone you don't know, but allow you
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Some animals do things just like you ... while others are very different! Compare how YOU move, sleep, eat, wash, keep warm, dance, and much more, with creatures from all over the world in this fun, interactive book. A wonderful way for children aged 3+ years to learn about animals and celebrate differences and similarities.
In Japan, Kei plays Freeze Tag, while in Uganda, Daphine likes to jump rope. While the way they play may differ, the shared rhythm of their days—and this one world we all share—unites them. This genuine exchange provides a window into traditions that may be different from our own as well as mirrors reflecting our common experiences. Inspired by his own travels, Matt Lamonthe transports readers across the globe and back with this luminous and thoughtful picture book.
Follow the real lives of seven kids from Italy, Japan, Iran, India, Peru, Uganda, and Russia for a single day! In Japan Kei plays Freeze Tag, while in Uganda Daphine likes to jump rope. But while the way they play may differ, the shared rhythm of their days—and this one world we all share—unites them. This genuine exchange provides a window into traditions that may be different from our own as well as a mirror reflecting our common experiences. Inspired by his own travels, Matt Lamothe transports readers across the globe and back with this luminous and thoughtful picture book.商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨 因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
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預防下一場疫病大流行發生成為各國重要議題。Bill Gates以世界級專家的知識與蓋茲基金會對抗重大疾病的經驗為基礎,深入淺出解析傳染病,並提出國與國之間,政府與民間單位聯手合作,不只能阻擋下一場疫病,更有機會消滅所有呼吸道相關疾病。A new book by Bill Gates that lays out a clear plan to prevent future pandemics The COVID-19 pandemic isn't over. But even as governments around the world try to get it under control, they're also starting to talk about what happens next. How can we prevent another pandemic from killing millions of people and devastating the global economy? Can we even hope to accomplish this? Bill Gates believes the answer is yes, and he has written a largely upbeat book that lays out clearly and convincingly what the world should learn from COVID-19, explains the science of fighting pandemics, and suggests what all of us can doto help prevent another one. Given the worldwide success of Howto Avoid a Climate Disaster (which debuted at #1 on the New York Times best seller list), Gates is more respected than ever for his approach to solving the world's biggest challenges.
"I’ve always said that education without execution is just entertainment – and Lior illustrates this beautifully in his book. It is important to learn HOWto implement a successful Customer focus stra