花鳥畫是傳統的中國繪畫題材,它不僅表現動植物的外形,其內在的寓意性更是一種獨特的文化現象。本卷收錄北京故宮博物院藏唐、五代、兩宋花鳥走獸畫83 幀,細說其規格、材質、畫面內容及其特點、作者生平及其藝術風格等,展示了這一時段存世不多的紙絹本作品,是一份極其珍貴的文化遺產。Painting in the Song dynasty put on display for the first time in
The period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907-960) has long been treated as an anomaly in the history of China, an age of great disunity between the empires of the Tang and the Song dynasties
山水畫、樓閣畫歷來密不可分,二者一起形象地反映中國人自古以來追求與自然相契合的精神理念。本卷彙集了北京故宮博物院藏隋、五代、兩宋山水樓閣畫59幀,藉此勾勒出中國古代山水樓閣畫淵源流變的大致脈絡,希望讀者通過直觀更真切地感受到蘊涵其中的民族文化精神。Painting in the Song dynasty put on display for the first time in the albums
北京故宮博物院內收藏了歷代不少刻畫人物風俗的繪畫。本卷收錄了當中晉唐、五代、兩宋的人物、風俗畫,出土紙絹畫及壁畫。這些珍品通過對人物寫形、傳神,表達出人的個性及世俗百姓生活的點滴,賦予了人物畫更強的生命力,無論在文物收藏、學術上均有極高的價值。Painting in the Song dynasty put on display for the first time in the albums.
Since the 1990s, the urban landscape of China has witnessed revolutionary changes that are unrivalled in any country of the world throughout history. Rapid urbanization, facilitated by the modern plan
中國故宮藏品圖解之絕對珍藏本讓你一本看通晉、唐、宋、元時期的早期繪畫This title offers descriptions of a selected collection of 99 paintings from the Palace Museum, presented in the chronological order from Jin to Yuan dynasties. Cover
The Southern Tang was one of China’s minor dynasties and one of the great states in China in the tenth century. Although often regarded as one of several states preceding the much better known Song dy
Mingzong (r. 926–33) was the most illustrious emperor of the Five Dynasties, and one of the most admired of China’s middle period, the Tang to Song. A warrior of Shatuo-Turk ancestry, he ascended the
Lo Jung-pang argues that during each of the three periods when imperial China embarked on maritime enterprises (the Qin and Han dynasties, the Sui and early Tang dynasties, and the Song, Yuan, and ear
The heart of Urbanization in Early and Medieval China consists of translations of three gazetteers written during the Han (206 BCE?220 CE), Tang (618?907), and Northern Song (960?1126) dynasties descr