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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Get to Work, Hercules!
作者:Kate McMullan  出版社:Stone Arch Books  出版日:2011/08/01 裝訂:平裝
In this updated version of Greek mythology, Hades, King of the Underworld, tells the true story of Hercules and his twelve labors.
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Bizzy Bear: Building Site (硬頁書)(英國版)*附音檔QRCode*
作者:Benji Davies  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2014/06/09 裝訂:硬頁書
Today Bizzy Bear's helping out at the building site so he puts on his hard hat and gets to work. Help him drive a digger, a bulldozer and a lorry!
優惠:Bizzy Bear
庫存 > 10
定價:384 元, 優惠價:52 199
作者:夏.瓦茲蒙德  出版社:麥田  出版日:2021/01/09 裝訂:平裝
◆亞馬遜暢銷書作家夏.瓦茲蒙德,全新著作◆15道自我檢測的練習題,幫你釐清自己是否做得太多 「幸福的祕密不在尋求更多,而是培養出享受更少的能力。」――蘇格拉底原來我做得太多!停止想要做好每件事的念頭,擺脫總是做得過頭的日子,開始簡單,擁有理想生活,這本書,寫給總是忙個不停,但卻什麼都沒完成的你。你是否老是在追趕進度,到頭來卻發現沒有完成任何事?你是否讓自己承受太多壓力,結果反而使目標更難
定價:299 元, 優惠價:9 269
作者:奧斯汀‧克隆  出版社:遠流  出版日:2014/10/01 裝訂:平裝
:點子偷來了,然後呢?創作出屬於你的作品,讓別人也來偷你的點子! 《點子都是偷來的》教你發掘自己的創意潛能,接下來要指點你踏上創意旅程的下一步:讓人發掘你的才華。 最讓創作者感到苦惱的迷思:創作之路總是孤寂的錯了!只要懂得分享創作,就會有更多人看見你的才華!無論你是畫家、雕刻家、作家、攝影師,或從事其他創作的人,你的才華並非註定沒沒無聞,只要懂得分享,學習創作的新生態學,自然會有人慧眼獨具。 想被
定價:250 元, 優惠價:9 225
作者:喬許‧戴維斯  出版社:大塊文化  出版日:2021/07/01 裝訂:平裝
★專門寫給創意工作者、自由接案者、一般上班族、專業人士的工作策略書。★想要真正擁有高生產力,最好拋開對效率的迷思。本書結合神經科學和心理學的研究,提出5個有效且容易執行的策略, 在每天高效率的兩個小時中,讓心智能量維持在顛峰狀態,完成真正重要的事。埋頭苦幹,可能不是最好的辦法!5個有效策略,創造你自己的最佳狀態,擺脫被工作追趕的窒息感!專門寫給創意工作者、自由接案者、一般上班族、專業人士的工作策略
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
作者:梅爾.羅賓斯  出版社:采實文化  出版日:2019/07/25 裝訂:平裝
倒數54321, GO!超效計畫每一天,做最重要的事行動力暢銷寶典《五秒法則》,搭配《五秒法則行動筆記的力量》,讓你大腦減壓、提升活力、掌握人生,把事情迅速確實做完、做好!★Amazon、《紐約時報》暢銷書★1書+1筆記書,讓計畫迅速確實做完、做好★結合心理學、組織行為學和神經科學的刻意練習法2017年,《五秒法則》在美國上市,一年內暢銷超過40萬冊,不僅登上《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜,還成了亞馬遜年
定價:499 元, 優惠價:79 394
作者:瑞.達利歐Ray Dalio  出版社:商業周刊  出版日:2023/01/05 裝訂:軟精裝
★暢銷全球的《原則》推出實踐版!★ 達利歐手把手帶你:反思、練習、筆記, 一起寫出屬於你的原則 ★《原則》一書是橋水40多年成功的答案, 《原則:屬於你的引導式筆記》則幫每個讀者打造自己版本的成功 2017年,瑞‧達利歐出版了《原則:生活和工作》,公開全球最大、最成功的避險基金橋水公司屹立40多年的答案――遵循一套妥善應對現實情況和問題的「原則」,當面臨同類型問題時,直接搜索相關原則作為參考,找出最佳策略與方向,進而獲得享要的成果。《原則:生活和工作》中,達利歐不藏私的分享他記錄、提煉和按照一套明確定義原則行事的過程,問世後帶來了意想不到的廣大影響,被翻譯成三十二種語言版本,全球銷量超過四百萬冊。 自此,對廣大讀者分享「原則」就是達利歐最重要的事。也有眾多讀者在社群媒體徵詢達利歐的建議,甚至敲碗要達利歐幫助他們建立自己的各項原則。 這就是《原則:屬於你的引導式筆記》的緣起。 《原則:屬於你的引導式筆記》意在協助讀者踏上旅程,思考每個人的現實處境,逐步找到屬於自己的種種原則。達利歐透過一個個引導性練習和互動式提問,彷彿臨場討論,扣問每一位讀者的喜好、價值,翻頁間逐步反思、記錄,訂出屬於自己最有助於實現目標的原則。筆記欄中穿插許多出自《原則》的經典金句,提示讀者思考方向。 這本筆記應用了《原則》書中的關鍵概念,包含五大練習: 【練習一】反省你是怎樣的人 辨識自己的優勢、劣勢、動機和偏好。 【練習二】如何將現有的案例比對「應對當前情況的最佳原則」 釐清現時境遇的範疇或類型,辨識要運用哪項你原則來應對這類境況。 【練習三】精通「五步流程」來實現人生目標 (1)制定明確的目標;(2)找出妨礙你實現目標的問題,而且不要容忍問題;(3)準確地診斷問題,查明問題根源;(4)設計解決方案;(5)徹底執行。 【練習四】兼顧「有自信又心胸開放」 學習如何克服你的兩大障礙――自我意識與盲點,並從錯誤學到最多(犯錯誤是免不了的!) 【練習五】了解自己與摯愛親人在人生旅程裡所處的位置 這個練習幫助你省思當前在自己、你關懷的人現時的人生旅程階段,以及你們往後將面臨什麼,好讓你們能夠更安穩地迎向未來。 正如達利歐在引言所說:「你在這本筆記書裡寫下的種種省思,將成為你最有價值的資產。我有信心,只要你著手去做,人生將突飛猛進。」這是一本個人專屬、務實可用的手冊,幫助每個渴望進化的讀者在未來獲得夢寐以求
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
作者:羅傑‧馬; 珍‧羅伯茲‧馬  出版社:新樂園  出版日:2020/10/14 裝訂:平裝
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:凱瑞・紐霍夫  出版社:格子外面文化  出版日:2023/10/20 裝訂:平裝
一天內狀態最好的時間,都忙於應付各方的需求。至於你最擅長且有熱情的事,只剩下零碎且疲憊的時間。這樣的你是否外在活動很多但內在感受十分空虛?這世上有太多人因為常態的「我沒時間」而無法實現夢想和呼召。不再只為了下一次休假而活,打造一個你不會想要出走的人生吧!這本書介紹一個能在工作和家庭重新得力的策略:活力時鐘人生管理術!不一定要換工作、搬家、等孩子長大、財務自由才能拿回生活的掌控權,只要認識自己的精力時區,並善用你的優勢時段做最擅長的事,就能終結瞎忙的惡性循環,讓你的時間、精力、優先事項都在正確的軌道上效力,擁有高效能、有滿足感、充滿意義的人生!現在開始,就用能讓明天興盛的方式來過今天的日子!【各界活力推薦】楊大鵬|iM行動教會牧師葛兆昕|屏東和平長老教會主任牧師施以諾|作家、輔大醫學院職能治療學系教授兼系主任蔡宇哲|哇賽心理學創辦人兼總編輯約翰.馬克.寇默John Mark Comer|布里奇頓教會創會牧師,《跟耶穌學安靜》作者派屈克.蘭奇歐尼Patrick Lencioni|《克服團隊領導的5大障礙》、《別再開會開到死》作者葛瑞格.麥基昂Greg McKeown|《努力,但不費力》、《少,但是更好》作者卡爾.紐波特Cal Newport|《Deep Work深度工作力》、《深度學習力》作者尼爾.艾歐Nir Eyal|《專注力協定》作者丹尼爾.品客Daniel H. Pink|《後悔的力量》作者安妮.唐絲Annie F. Downs|《為自己,再勇敢一次》作者【推薦序】「在這本書中,凱瑞・紐霍夫提出了一些最佳策略,來對抗當今生活和領導力中常見的疲勞、麻木和不知所措。如果你厭倦了倦怠的日子,並想要完成更多任務,那麼這本書正是您所需要的。」——安迪.史坦利Andy Stanley|北角事工教會牧師,《告別受委屈的自己》作者「倦怠是選擇的結果,如果它很困擾你,這本書將幫助你重組你的生活,然後你可以和你在乎的人分享這本書。」——賽斯.高汀Seth Godin|《這才是行銷》作者「透過真實透明的分享,以及革命性的領導見解,這本書將幫助你評估自己的處境,並為你的生活和領導制定更平衡、有意識且有效的策略。立即帶一本給你自己和你團隊中的每個人吧!」——克雷格.葛洛契爾Craig Groeschel|生命教會牧師,《突破重圍》作者「這是一本充滿洞察力和實用性的書,它點出了為什麼我們的行
定價:360 元, 優惠價:9 324
Ivy and Bean Get to Work! (Book 12)
作者:Annie Barrow  出版社:Chronicle Books Llc  出版日:2022/08/02 裝訂:平裝
The final book of the New York Times bestselling early chapter book series is now in paperback! It's Career Day at Emerson Elementary School, and all the students have to choose what they want to be when they grow up. No problem. Ivy and Bean already have that all figured out. At least, they thought so, until they met Herman the Treasure Hunter. Now everyone in the second grade is looking for treasure--and finding it. Everyone except Ivy and Bean, that is. They need to get out their shovels and turn up some treasure on the double! BESTSELLING SERIES: More than 6 million copies sold! BELOVED AUTHOR: Acclaimed author Annie Barrows brings her sharp wit to create hilarious, real characters. AWARD-WINNING ILLUSTRATOR: Twice awarded the Caldecott Medal, Sophie Blackall is one of the most critically acclaimed children's book illustrators of our time. UNIVERSAL THEMES: The perennial theme of friendship, strong characters and mischievous antics make the books great for both boys and girls. Perf
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
You Wouldn't Want To Work On The Great Wall Of China!
作者:Jacqueline Morley  出版社:Salariya Book UK  出版日:2017/10/16 裝訂:平裝
Get ready're a hardworking farmer trying to support your family. But you disobey the Emperor's orders and soon you're marching through deserts on your way to work on the Great Wall of China! "Y
定價:384 元, 優惠價:9 346
Be Your Own Best Publicist ─ How to Use PR Techniques to Get Noticed, Hired, and Rewarded at Work
In one of the toughest job markets in more than 20 years, applying the art of self-promotion is more vital than ever. Be Your Own Best Publicist shows anyone looking to land a new job, attract freelan
定價:567 元, 優惠價:9 510
Grumpy Monkey Get Your Grumps Out (Step into Reading L2)
作者:Suzanne Lang; Max Lang  出版社:RANDOM HOUSE STUDIO  出版日:2021/09/07 裝訂:平裝
Funny monkey Jim Panzee, star of the #1 New York Times bestselling series, tries to show emerging readers how to get rid of a bad mood.Grumpy Monkey Jim Panzee wakes up one morning and decides that it’s time for a new Jim. He asks his jungle friends to get him so mad that he can get rid of all his grumpy feelings. It seems to work until his friend Norman reminds Jim that it’s best just to be himself, grumps and all. Easy-to-read words and colorful illustrations will hook young readers on the lifelong habit of reading. Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. They are perfect for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
The More We Get Together *附音檔QR-Code
作者:Celeste Cortright  出版社:Barefoot Books  出版日:2022/03/07 裝訂:有聲書
Set to the familiar tune of “The More We Get Together,” this new addition to Barefoot Books’ bestselling singalong collection features a diverse group of children who work together to make their urban neighborhood cleaner, friendlier, and safer for everyone. Sing along as the community bicycles and recycles together, volunteers at an assisted living home, participates in a letter-writing campaign and finally gathers around a potluck meal. End matter includes an age-appropriate introduction to recycling, activism, community gardens, teamwork and more, as well as actionable ways for children to get involved in their own neighborhoods. A QR code on the book provides access to video animation and audio.
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Microsoft 365 Copilot At Work:Using AI to Get the Most from Your Business Data and Favorite Apps
作者:Sandar Van Laan; Jared Matfess; Thomas Flock; Ann Reid  出版社:PBKWILTR  出版日:2024/12/24 裝訂:平裝
定價:2612 元, 優惠價:95 2481
Surviving Dreaded Conversations: How to Talk Through Any Difficult Situation at Work
作者:FLAGG  出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.  出版日:2009/11/27 裝訂:平裝
The essential guide for managers and professionals dealing with difficult workplace conversationsSurviving Dreaded Conversations gives managers all they need to get through those difficult, face-to-fa
定價:912 元, 優惠價:79 720
Awesome Outdoor Science Experiments for Kids: 50+ Steam Projects and Why They Work
作者:Megan Olivia Hall  出版社:Rockridge Pr  出版日:2021/06/15 裝訂:平裝
Explore the outdoors with hands-on science activities for kids ages 5 to 10 Kids are full of big questions like "What makes plants grow?" or "Why does the moon change shape in the sky?". Awesome Outdoor Experiments for Kids can help them find the answers! It's a treasure trove of outdoor adventures, with more than 50 fun experiments that show kids science in action as they play outside. Every experiment focuses on at least one aspect of STEAM: science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. As kids explore each activity outdoors, they'll get the chance to interact with nature and the amazing processes that are happening all around them. They'll observe bug behavior, build a beaver dam, predict the weather, and so much more. Discover the ultimate guide to an outdoor science lab for kids: Easy to do at home--The activities use basic items that are probably already around the house and include easy-to-follow steps. Hows and whys--Kids will learn the real science behind every result with
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Maisy at Work: A First Words Books (硬頁書)(美國版)
作者:Lucy Cousins  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2022/09/07 裝訂:硬頁書
What kind of work does Maisy want to do? Bold, enticing pictures and words inside a handy tabbed board book help babies and toddlers make language connections.Does Maisy want to work as a firefighter? Turn the tab marked with a fire hose and find all the exciting gear that comes with the job. Would the friendly mouse make a good train conductor? Find the train-engine tab and get ready to name all the things that go with the trade. From a hospital to a construction site to a sports arena, from a cement mixer to a fire helmet to a soccer ball, little ones will find many things to recognize and discover as they have fun learning first words with Maisy.
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
#2: Bumble and Snug and the Excited Unicorn (graphic novel)
作者:Mark Bradley  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2022/07/21 裝訂:平裝
Best friends Bumble and Snug are Bugbops - little monsters filled with BIG feelings! Join them and a VERY excited unicorn, in this new, full-colour graphic novel, as they go on a thrilling, funny adventure and learn about the world outside and inside. Bumble and Snug are in the magical unicorn forest when they get into a spot of trouble. Luckily, they are rescued by a unicorn and together they have the great idea to become superheroes.Introducing the super buddies! From a runaway ice-cream van to a lost teddy bear, Bumble, Snug and Sparklehoof the unicorn save the day. But not everybody is happy when Sparklehoof gets too excited with his magic. Bumble and Snug have to come up with a super action plan to stop Sparklehoof.And with a giant kitten on the loose and a jelly city, they will have to work FAST!Bumble and Snug and the Excited Unicorn is a story about being too excited and how to listen, friendship and magic, and three new SUPERHEROES!Perfect for readers just starting to enjoy st
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Escape This Book! Titanic/Tombs of Egypt/Race to the Moon (共3本)
作者:Bill Doyle; Sarah Sax  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2020/11/10 裝訂:平裝
In the Escape This Book series, YOU are the star of history! In this third book, you'll complete challenges similar to what the astronauts faced on Apollo 11 and 13 and get to meet famous NASA employees like Neil Armstrong and Katherine Johnson! Don't be afraid to rip or fold a page. Your mission might depend on it!9780525644217 Escape This Book! Titanic (平裝本)Activity book meets adventure in this series that is Choose Your Own Adventure meets I Survived meets doodle book! Doodle, decide, and demolish your way out of history's greatest events--the perfect book for fun and educational summer reading!Reader, beware! Once you open this book, there is no turning back. You will have three chances to survive the Titanic's fateful voyage. Decide which path to take first.Passenger: Exploring the ship is fun! Just don't get caught on the wrong deck when there's an iceberg ahead!Crew Member: You work for a family in first class. Can you persuade them to save you along with their beloved dog?
定價:1102 元, 優惠價:79 871
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