In this kids' biography, follow the remarkable life story of Albert Einstein, whose legendary genius and creative imagination made him one of the world's most famous thinkers.Albert Einstein is known
Delivered with warmth, clarity, and humor, this brief work is the closest Einstein ever came to writing an autobiography. Although a very personal account, it is concerned solely with the development
A colorfully illustrated, pocket-size picture book biography of famed physicist Albert Einstein.Albert Einstein, a theoretical physicist, developed the theory of relativity and is popularly known toda
"Who Was 系列 (試讀年齡:學習英文三年以上)Who Was 系列屬於傳記型讀物,適合學習英文三年以上小朋友閱讀,對於一些國外偉人的名字與生平,直接閱讀英文,想必會有更深入的瞭解。以上系列,對於想加強英文的成人讀者,也是很不錯的選擇喔! " "Einstein---本世紀最傑出的偉大人物,研究出原子彈的理論,雖有一頭瘋狂的頭髮,卻擁有一顆極愛好和平的心,這就是本書要介紹的世界偉人
A boy rides a bicycle down a dusty road. But in his mind, he envisions himself traveling at a speed beyond imagining, on a beam of light. This brilliant mind will one day offer up some of the most rev
A boy rides a bicycle down a dusty road. But in his mind, he envisions himself traveling at a speed beyond imagining, on a beam of light. This brilliant mind will one day offer up some of the most rev
Here’s a beautiful historical fiction picture book—perfect for the Common Core—that provides a rare glimpse into the early childhood of Albert Einstein, the world’s most famous physicist. Three-year-o
Unwrap some Christmas magic with this advent calendar of 24 mini books from the iconic Little People, BIG DREAMS series. Inside each envelope, children will find stories about inspirational people from across the world, from ground-breaking musician Elton John and eco hero Steve Irwin, to freedom-fighter Martin Luther King and visionary artist Frida Kahlo. Discover the incredible lives of these bold little dreamers: Charles Dickens, Dolly Parton, Amelia Earhart, Aretha Franklin, Martin Luther King, Stephen Hawking, Jane Austen, David Bowie, Albert Einstein, Elton John, Ernest Shackleton, Malala Yousafzai, Freddie Mercury, Frida Kahlo, Astrid Lindgren, Muhammad Ali, Jane Goodall, Lewis Hamilton, Neil Armstrong, Steve Irwin, Anna Pavlova, Zaha Hadid, Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela. Little People, BIG DREAMS is a best-selling biography series for kids that explores the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists, to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things
Discover the scientific breakthroughts of 100 brilliant scientists, from Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and Stephen Hawking, to lesser-known geniuses including 4th-century mathematician Hypatia of Alexa
用製造問題的思維去解決問題是行不通的。Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.──愛因斯坦 Albert Einstein這本書將改變你的人生,讓你學會:放下與問題拔河的繩子,用不同的角度看問題。因為,你不是問題的受害者,也不是問題的製造者,你是問題的管理者!當別人看到的是問題帶來的麻煩時,你看到的是問題帶來的機會!當別人追究問題產生的原因時,你看到的是問題背後的目標!當別人搜索製造問題的罪犯時,你尋找的是解決問題的盟友!當別人看到的是失去了什麼時,你看到的是我還擁有什麼和可能獲得什麼!當別人抱怨問題無解時,你想到的是為了目標我總是可以做點什麼!別怕!再難的問題都會有解的,讓本書帶你打破困境,找回人生掌控權!看完《有解》,你會發現,原來解決問題是一件幸福的事!本書作者歷經10年,超過30,000個案例驗證,一套最有效的KSME問體解決系統。帶領你從基本開始了解問題、梳理關係、分析現狀、看清方向、明確目標、制訂方案……告訴你解決問題的核心7法,並附上30多個輔助工具,不論是在個人成長、親子教育、伴侶感情、家庭關係,職場團隊、專案執行以及企業管理上的各種問題都能迎刃而解,讓你面對問題不再恐懼!【本書特色】● 7步解決問題,橫掃棘手瓶頸直擊難搞問題的核心!借助KSME七步法,不僅拆解問題,更幫助你看清現狀,挖掘重點,找到能幫你的「貴人盟友」……再制定計畫、落實行動。● 30餘個小工具,讓問題困難豁然開朗目標回歸線、潛能公式、六頂思考帽、關係人圖……圖文並茂,解決讀者常見的「選擇困難」、「拖延症」、「自我否定」、「瑣事纏身找不到關鍵」、「單打獨鬥」、「心態爆炸」等問題。● 百餘案例實證,最有效的方法10年,30,000餘個真實案例檢驗,源於西方,被可口可樂、沃爾沃採用的績效諮詢方法,再以實際案例打磨,被百餘位企業高管驗證的問題解決法。本書主題內容曾應用於百餘家企業、學校或組織的人才培養,影響數十萬人。適用於職場、家庭、親子、個人成長等多領域。● 心態崩潰時的應急手冊,解決問題不需要以犧牲情緒和關係為代價! 有問題=我很差?不是的! 愈優秀的人愈會被複雜問題考驗! 問題解決=心情才能變好?不是的!這從不是2選1的選擇題,告別苦哈哈,與問題無痛相