Two resourceful siblings begin a new life as refugees in a poetic picture book about thriving―in your own time―after great loss.From an award-winning author and a talented debut illustrator comes a profound story about child refugees healing and building new lives. When rescuers meet the boat, there are only two people left―a big child and a little one. The big one, remembering the trip across the dark sea, hides indoors. The little one ventures out, making friends, laughing, growing strong. When he brings the outside in, in the form of a butterfly, will his sister find the courage to guide the winged creature back into the world where it belongs? Powerful illustrations dance between dark and light in a moving tale of empathy, resilience, and the universal need for home and safety.
在快速變化的日常節奏裡,留給自己「一句話」的時間!讓泰戈爾的詩,與你的生活對話。寫出文字的力量,自然而然學會英文。抄寫力,就是你的超能力!⍟ 抄出感悟力──用名言深化生命 100句泰戈爾名言,伴你進入詩人的思想世界,遇見更深刻的自我。⍟ 抄出啟發力──點亮思考的火花 提筆抄寫經典名句,讓心靈與文字深度交融,點亮內在的創造火花。⍟ 抄出語言力──用英語連結世界100個英文單字解析,透過例句深度學習,自然而然學會運用。♥ 提筆書寫泰戈爾名言,與詩人共鳴!羅賓德拉納特.泰戈爾(Rabindranath Tagore),亞洲首位諾貝爾文學獎得主,他的詩歌和哲學思想跨越文化和時代。泰戈爾的文字,是對美、愛與生命的深刻詠讚,引領我們探索人性與宇宙的奧祕。《抄寫泰戈爾名句學英文》收錄的名言,節選自:Stray birds《漂鳥集》、Fireflies《流螢集》,及Fruit-Gathering《採果集》。♥ 本書特色:1. 一天抄寫一段句子,用最簡單的方法,把英語書寫變成一種習慣。2. 一次學習一個英語單字,藉由生活化的例句,深度掌握字彙用法。3. 全書英文名言、單字及例句皆搭配音檔,隨掃隨聽,方便跟讀。4. 每句名言都是對生命的省思,伴你在學習英語的同時,探索生命的意義。♥ 送給你的泰戈爾名言: 當你正在尋找靈感和內心的平靜時……No. 007 Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.讓生命如夏花般絢麗,讓死亡如秋葉般靜美。—《漂鳥集》#82 當你渴望激勵自己,繼續向前行時……No. 015 Do not say, “It is morning,” and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a new-born child that has no name. 不要說「這是早晨」,並以昨日之名將其匆匆略過。要將它視為第一次見面且尚未命名的新生兒。—《漂鳥集》 #235 當你期待用更深的視角來看待生活時……No. 038 The butterfly counts not mon
When three-year-old Benji is plucked from the security of his home in Nagasaki to live with his American father, Lt. Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton, and stepmother, Kate, on their farm in Illinois, the f
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The dark and haunting companion to Rene Denfeld’s acclaimed novel The Child Finder, a riveting story of lost children and one haunted woman’s search for what may never be found.The Butterfly Girl is a
The littlest cricket of Swampswallow Pond is convinced only by the Wise Old One that being special has nothing to do with physical metamorphosis, flashy colors, or shimmering wings. “The cricket is every child who stopped the music because someone criticized casually, thoughtlessly. It takes a wise friend to bring the music back.”--School Library Journal
Lisa, a young child dying of cancer, befriends a caterpillar preparing to transform into a butterfly as she goes through her own journey of change toward her death
The chilling 1927 abduction and murder of Marion Parker—a shocking crime that unveiled the unthinkable reality of child abduction-- set off one of the greatest manhunts in California history, and beca