一天內狀態最好的時間,都忙於應付各方的需求。至於你最擅長且有熱情的事,只剩下零碎且疲憊的時間。這樣的你是否外在活動很多但內在感受十分空虛?這世上有太多人因為常態的「我沒時間」而無法實現夢想和呼召。不再只為了下一次休假而活,打造一個你不會想要出走的人生吧!這本書介紹一個能在工作和家庭重新得力的策略:活力時鐘人生管理術!不一定要換工作、搬家、等孩子長大、財務自由才能拿回生活的掌控權,只要認識自己的精力時區,並善用你的優勢時段做最擅長的事,就能終結瞎忙的惡性循環,讓你的時間、精力、優先事項都在正確的軌道上效力,擁有高效能、有滿足感、充滿意義的人生!現在開始,就用能讓明天興盛的方式來過今天的日子!【各界活力推薦】楊大鵬|iM行動教會牧師葛兆昕|屏東和平長老教會主任牧師施以諾|作家、輔大醫學院職能治療學系教授兼系主任蔡宇哲|哇賽心理學創辦人兼總編輯約翰.馬克.寇默John Mark Comer|布里奇頓教會創會牧師,《跟耶穌學安靜》作者派屈克.蘭奇歐尼Patrick Lencioni|《克服團隊領導的5大障礙》、《別再開會開到死》作者葛瑞格.麥基昂Greg McKeown|《努力,但不費力》、《少,但是更好》作者卡爾.紐波特Cal Newport|《Deep Work深度工作力》、《深度學習力》作者尼爾.艾歐Nir Eyal|《專注力協定》作者丹尼爾.品客Daniel H. Pink|《後悔的力量》作者安妮.唐絲Annie F. Downs|《為自己,再勇敢一次》作者【推薦序】「在這本書中,凱瑞・紐霍夫提出了一些最佳策略,來對抗當今生活和領導力中常見的疲勞、麻木和不知所措。如果你厭倦了倦怠的日子,並想要完成更多任務,那麼這本書正是您所需要的。」——安迪.史坦利Andy Stanley|北角事工教會牧師,《告別受委屈的自己》作者「倦怠是選擇的結果,如果它很困擾你,這本書將幫助你重組你的生活,然後你可以和你在乎的人分享這本書。」——賽斯.高汀Seth Godin|《這才是行銷》作者「透過真實透明的分享,以及革命性的領導見解,這本書將幫助你評估自己的處境,並為你的生活和領導制定更平衡、有意識且有效的策略。立即帶一本給你自己和你團隊中的每個人吧!」——克雷格.葛洛契爾Craig Groeschel|生命教會牧師,《突破重圍》作者「這是一本充滿洞察力和實用性的書,它點出了為什麼我們的行
A powerful look at the environmental crisis of energy supply, with simple steps we can all take to reduce our energy usageEnergy makes our world work, but at a huge cost to the environment. As the pol
The second adventure in the gripping and mysterious eco-adventure series The Light Thieves from Helena Duggan, bestselling author of A Place Called Perfect. 'Fizzling with ideas, (The Light Thieves is) a wildly imaginative adventure which reads like a blockbuster movie.' - Christopher EdgeThe energy from the sun is being stolen. It's a catastrophe for the planet and every living thing on it! Friends Grian, Jeffrey and Shelli are desperately trying to work out how it's happening.But they know tech genius Howard Hansom is somehow behind the theft. So they must not use any of Hansom's smart technology because it will track them wherever they go. The three young heroes need to find a strange black mirror to help with their mission.But time is running out and the world is getting darker... 'The Light Thieves is a feast of fun, fiction, fantasy and fear. Opens with a bang and never lets up until the last page.I loved it.' - Eoin Colfer
Follow the owl professor as he takes two children on a tour of a body. But not just any human body - a gigantic factory building built to explain how real bodies work, from cell 'building blocks' to conveyor belts that carry life-giving energy packets and transport defenders to repel germ attacks! This beautifully illustrated book will open children's eyes to the wonder and weirdness of what's going on inside them.
National Book Award finalist Elizabeth Partridge reveals the life and work of Frederick Law Olmsted, the designer of Central Park, the United States Capitol building's landscape, and more. Nobody could get Frederick Law Olmsted to sit still. He was filled with energy, adventure, and dreams of changing the world. As a boy, he found refuge in the peace and calm of nature, and later as an adult, he dreamed of designing and creating access to parks for a growing and changing America. When New York City held a contest for the best park design for what would become Central Park, Olmsted won and became the father of landscape architecture. He went on to design parks across America, including Yosemite National Park and even the grounds for the United States Capitol. This scenic biography is lavishly illustrated by Becca Stadtlander, and National Book Award finalist Elizabeth Partridge brings her renowned lyricism and meticulous research to the visionary who brought parks to the people.
This step-by-step approach to physical and emotional health shows how to use the body's energy centers to speed healing.In Energy Work, Robert Bruce offers a, simple, easy-to-learn, approach to self-h
Energy Work 101 is a manual for operating your human energetics. This guide includes ten exercises and meditations aboutgrounding and aligning with your higher self; becoming more conscious and aware;
Energy Work 101 is a manual for operating your human energetics. This guide includes ten exercises and meditations aboutgrounding and aligning with your higher self; becoming more conscious and aware;
In this work, Erkan (private international law, U. of Marmara, Turkey) explores the contract clauses that play a role in mitigating political risks in transnational energy projects, providing a legal
This book is the long awaited guide for anyone interested in renewables at home or work. It sweeps away scores of common misconceptions while clearly illustrating the best in renewable and energy effi
Beginning with a five page list of acronyms, this work proceeds with 34 pages summarizing the developments in Pakistani energy law since 1947. It then provides extensive coverage of all aspects of cur
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In this work, the unique power measurement capabilities of the Cray XT architecture were exploited to gain an understanding of power and energy use, and the effects of tuning both CPU and network band
Ben Bradlee’s all-American football player father lost his well-paying job in the Depression and never recovered his income but never lost his balance and energy. Living on a borrowed estate, he under
What Will Work makes a rigorous and compelling case that energy efficiencies and renewable energy-and not nuclear fission or "clean coal"-are the most effective, cheapest, and equitable solutions to