「不要問我是誰,也不要叫我保持不變」最重要的傅柯傳記|翻譯自法文新修增訂版「艾希邦不只為一個曖昧難解的神祕人物提供了生動而詳細的圖像,同時也完整精確描繪出戰後的法國知識界,包含它的各種儀式和拜物癖。這本書的吸引力就像一本好小說。」──布迪厄 Pierre Bourdieu一九八四年初夏,延宕已久的《性史》終於出版第二、三卷,僅剩關鍵的最後一卷正在進行最後修訂,再「一到兩個月」就能結束,但傅柯卻在此時住進了醫院,不久即因愛滋併發症過世,未完成的遺作留下許多待解的謎團。傅柯是人文學科全球被引用最多的知識分子,頂著光頭手拿擴音器在街上抗爭的形象無比鮮明。他對精神醫學及人文科學,對監獄、權力、性、管治等主題的歷史性探究,一再衝擊人的自我理解以及反抗的思索與實踐。此書是第一部問世的傅柯傳記,作者艾希邦不但在傅柯生前跟他有密切往來,對法國學界也有相當深入的瞭解。這個在二○一一年大幅修訂擴充的新版本,基於初版面世後不斷出土的文獻,增加更多傅柯與其他知識分子之間的來往互動,同時也觸及他與性及藥物的關係。除了多達數百處共數萬字的增補之外,亦添加了五篇重要文獻作為附錄,例如傅柯申請法蘭西公學院教席的研究計畫書,以及布迪厄談傅柯的文章。
The fourth and final volume in Michel Foucault's acclaimed History of Sexuality, completed just before his death in 1984 and finally available to the public One of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century, Michel Foucault made an indelible impact on Western thought. The first three volumes in his History of Sexuality--which trace cultural and intellectual notions of sexuality, arguing that it has been profoundly shaped by the power structures applied to it--constitute some of Foucault's most important work. This fourth volume posits that the origins of totalitarian self-surveillance began with the Christian practice of confession. The manuscript had long been secreted away, in accordance with Foucault's stated wish that there be no posthumous publication of his unpublished work. With the sale of the Foucault archives in 2013, Foucault's nephew felt that the time had come to publish this final volume in Foucault's seminal history. Philosophically, it is a chapter in his he
With this timely commitment, Jacques Bidet unites the theories of arguably the world's two greatest emancipatory political thinkers. In this far-reaching and decisive text, Bidet examines Marxian and
Shortly before his death in 1984, Michel Foucault spoke of an idea for a new book on "technologies of the self." He described it as "composed of different papers about the self...,about the role of re