Chris Judge, the award-winning creator of The Lonely Beast, has created an exuberant and funny adventure set in a vibrantly colourful, futuristic world. Tin is looking after his little sister Nickel
In this almost wordless picture book, a host of woodland creatures take a child's sledge for a night time joy ride. Their whimsical ride is gorgeously depicted in bold watercolour, complemented by hum
Part of the TED series: Judge This! First impressions are everything. They dictate whether something stands out, how we engage with it, whether we buy it, and how strongly we feel. This is especially
Stephen P. Robbins為全球最暢銷的「管理學」與「組織行為」教科書作者,其著作至今除廣受超過1,000所美國大專院校採用,亦被翻譯成16國語文暢行世界。《組織行為學》(Organizational Behavior)自出版伊始,轉眼間更新至第17版,第17版中另位作者Timothy A. Judge亦為組織行為界的頂尖學者,已在如Journal of Organizational B
Three smart, playful, original TED books from a leading architect, designer, and writer in one collection—The Art of Stillness,The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings, and Judge This—inspire a mor
Public perceptions of political ethics are at the heart of current political debate. Drawing on original data, this book is the first general account of popular understandings of political ethics in contemporary British politics. It offers new insights into how citizens understand political ethics and integrity and how they form judgments of their leaders. By locating these insights against the backdrop of contemporary British political ethics, the book shows how current institutional preoccupations with standards of conduct all too often miss the mark. While the use of official resources is the primary focus of much regulation, politicians' consistency, frankness and sincerity, which citizens tend to see in terms of right and wrong, are treated as 'normal politics'. The authors suggest that new approaches may need to be adopted if public confidence in politicians' integrity is to be restored.
A National Book Award Finalist for Nonfiction, Never Caught is the eye-opening narrative of Ona Judge, George and Martha Washington's runaway slave, who risked everything for a better life-now availab