Determined to go on a journey, Grasshopper finds a road and follows it wherever it goes, passing by such creatures as a housefly, butterflies, and a mosquito
「我彷彿曾經以不同的靈魂來過這裡,這次只是回家。」義大利波隆那插畫展、美國3X3插畫展入選插畫家――阿力金吉兒,出走遠方,獻給廣袤大地的蛻變之作。「宛如孩童遠足時留下的粉色塗鴉,寫生的對象卻又是聖塔菲原始粗獷地貌,這矛盾衝突,就像阿力金吉兒的文字,用她純度極高的童心為我們擦拭所有已被世俗固定的風景。人生任何時候都需要一個興高采烈的導遊――哪怕仍在原地,也似去了遠方。」――孫梓評(作家)「翻看此書,可以想像阿力金吉兒站在廣闊風景前是如何地激動,畫中似乎能夠感受到風與沙子。顏色堆疊如強勁的野草緊緊抓住新墨西哥州的土地,這是大膽又柔軟的一趟壯旅。」――川貝母(插畫家)------------------------------------------------------「我真的要走了。」我們擁抱了一下,我腦海不斷浮現,「這是值得的,我會克服一切的 !」曾入選「波隆那國際童書原畫展」和「美國3X3當代插畫大賽優選」的插畫家阿力金吉兒,早年曾以「蘇意傑」為筆名,幫袁哲生等知名作家繪製插畫,作品也經常出現在報章副刊。2018年,她遇到了人生與創作上的關卡,茫然無措之際,獲得了人生第一次的駐村機會,2019年底出發前往美國新墨西哥州的聖塔菲,展開改變她視野與風格的三個月駐村時光。從日本機場轉機遇到的風波開始,這三個月帶給她非常豐富而有趣的刺激和養分。和台灣南洋島國截然不同的北美大陸風光、有趣熱情又充滿各國文化的新朋友們,讓作者的筆調出現轉變,不管是在異地或回到家鄉,畫面儼然有了新的氣息。黃橘色的大地、藍綠色的天空,小巧而別出心裁的人與動物,在她筆下鮮活而充滿氣味,呈現與先前創作截然不同的風情。在這本圖文旅記中,阿力金吉兒用樸實真切的短文,以及創作當下既詩意又童趣的英文隨筆,搭配一張張彷彿記憶重現的彩圖――古印第安的部落遺跡、巨大雄偉的峽谷、看不見盡頭的公路、泥土上奔跑的牛群......充滿感情地記敘了這一段新墨西哥州的駐村之旅,構築成獨特的聖塔菲印象。一路上,有風景、有動物、有朋友;有開心、有衝撞、有奇遇。在這廣袤的陌生之地,她找回了創作的熱情與率真的自己。“There is no light in the blue water.I am wearing a Mexican suit with a coloring pen.I am riding a big cat.Ther
Put the pedal to the metal! Discover all the foul facts behind the story of cars and automobiles across the world with history’s most horrible headlines: motor edition. The master of making history fun, Terry Deary, turns his attention to the road. From scalding steam engines to preposterous propellor powered vehicles, awful accidents to rebellious road raiders, cursed cars and risky racers, it’s all in Horrible Histories: On the Road :fully illustrated throughout and packed with hair-raising stories - with all the horribly hilarious bits includedwith a fresh take on the classic Horrible Histories style, perfect for fans old and newthe perfect series for anyone looking for a fun and informative readHorrible Histories has been entertaining children and families for generations with books, TV, stage show, magazines, games and 2019’s brilliantly funny Horrible Histories: the Movie – Rotten Romans.Get your history right here and collect the whole horrible lot. Read all about it!
It's time to go on the road with Peppa and this fantastic collection of ten newly recorded stories, perfect for any journey! The stories included are: 01-Peppa Around the World 02-George's Balloo
The award-winning author of Finnikin of the Rock and Jellicoe Road pens a raw, compelling novel about a family’s hard-won healing on the other side of trauma.Award-winning author Melina Marchetta reop
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