Chermack (organizational performance and change, Colorado State U.) discusses the complexities of the scenario planning method and its theoretical basis, and outlines a five-step planning system. The
In this book, Mats Alvesson aims to demystify some popular and upbeat claims about a range of phenomena, including the knowledge society, consumption, branding, higher education, organizational change
Leadership with Impact offers new ways of thinking and approaching complex problems through a conceptual and practical leadership approach founded on innovation and diversity. The authors introduce the I.D.D.E.A. (Innovation, Design, Diversity, Execution, and Assessment) Leadership Framework through which health and human service practitioners can easily design, implement, and evaluate innovative programs to help vulnerable populations and promote organizational and social change. Innovative leaders explore complex social issues with an innovative lens and build solutions with the use of the latest evidence, technology, and collaborative practices. Additionally, chapters highlight "leadership profiles" and case scenarios comprised of health and human service leader interviews covering their perspectives and approaches to problem-solving. Finally, the book offers assessment tools for the leader/practitioner to be mindful of their own engagement with others and evaluate their sustainable
Written by scholars who also work as consultants, Organizational Change: Perspectives on Theory and Practice combines rigorous theoretical exploration with practical insights from the field. Authors P
Learn how to be a leader in business by spearheading change in your organization, a vital skill for every executive. Implementing Organizational Change: Theory into Practice provides a framework upon
Twenty-four scholars from the U.S., Canada, and Europe contribute 13 chapters which advance the integration of social scientific knowledge about change and innovation within and across different level
This collection of writings by scholars and practitioners in the field of organizational change and development focuses on subjects of new research in the field. Employing a combination of theory and
Organizational Change Management (OCM) has often been overlooked by regulatory and guideline publications in the past. Documents have historically disregarded the topic, mentioned it in passing, or fo
Business is changing at break-neck speed so managers must be increasingly active in reorganizing their firms to gain a competitive edge. Organizational Theory, Design, and Change continues to provide