吾人皆知,教師會對學生的生活造成深遠影響,而教師也是影響學生成就的學校相關因素中,最重要的單一因素。談到教師甄選,學區和學校主管面對的挑戰是,根據從申請文件和一、兩次面談所蒐集的資訊,來預測求職者是哪一類型的教師。 在本書中,James H. Stronge和Jennifer L. Hindman說明,如何避免以猜測候選人適任度的方式做出聘用決定。他們提出的
This work gathers scholarship on interactions between youth and media, which was presented in past volumes of the publisher’s Mediated Youth series over the past 10 years. Contributors come from the f
Since the first book was signed almost ten years ago, the Mediated Youth series has published nearly two dozen volumes, with more in process or production. This milestone provides the perfect opportun
Stars burn hot, bright, and then go out forever. But their legacy remains. Like the smoky haze of a rock-n-roll arena show, a cloud of mystery and intrigue surrounds music's infamous "27 Club