您準備好接受有關人體系統的終極測驗了嗎?你是否想知道...嬰兒真的比成人有更多的骨頭嗎?你的糞便是由什麼構成的?為什麼你的鼻孔長毛?你體內的哪塊肌肉一天 24 小時都在自行工作?Quiz Champs 系列是經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具有教育意義的學習體驗。 該系列與新加坡小學科學課綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,內含豐富的問題,以開拓小學生好奇心,並提供答案和附加資訊來幫助學習、複習和準備考試。Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on human body systems?Have you ever wanted to know ...if babies really have more bones than adults?what your poop is made of?why you have hair inside your nose?which muscle in your body works by itself 24 hours a day?Join Quiz Champs host Skip Skeleton as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. The series is aligned with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also includes enrichment questions to stretch curious minds. Answers and additional information have been provided to