This is a semi-autobiographical novella about artistic pursuit and discovery. During the beginning of the 20th century, the possible connection between Paul Cézanne’s art and Henri Bergson’s philosophy was once a legend. However nowadays, few people mention this anymore. When our protagonist left his former career and returned to school in the 1990s, he fell into the world of art. While studying Western art theory, he was fascinated by the parallels between Bergson and the art he researched. Our main character followed the spiritual guidance of Cézanne and his successors, Matisse and Picasso, and devoted himself to tracing the prospect of this century-old legend. Through many struggles and endless toil, he resolved the mystery in Cézanne’s various paintings (e.g., cardplayers, smokers, still-lifes, mountains, portraits, bathers, etc.). He rediscovered Cézanne’s paintings in detail and found that Cézanne incorporated three Bergsonian figures (vertical and hor
●圖書簡介●蒙如玲是休士頓大學德州超導中心的傑出科學家。本書以英文自傳體的形式描述了她色彩斑斕的一生,並以高溫超導研究為主線,前後貫通,一氣呵成。這本書分為兩部分,第一部分紀錄了80年代和90年代,當全世界許多科學家都在競相尋找高溫的超導體,作者在那場激烈競爭的歷史浪潮中,引領潮流的精彩畫面。第二部分則生動地記錄了作者對生命價值的不懈追求,回顧了她從年輕女孩到受人尊敬的科學家的心路歷程。本書內容豐富,細節引人入勝,非常值得一讀。Ruling Meng, the author, is an exceptional scientist from Texas Center for Superconductivity at University of Houston. This autobiography describes her colorful life in detail, with high-temperature superconductivity research as the through line from beginning to end. The book is divided in two parts. The first illustrates the fierce competition in high-temperature superconducting material research during the 80s and 90s, when many scientists worldwide were racing to find the hottest superconductors. Meng was a famous and important participant in this historic competition. The second part vividly records the author's tireless pursuit of the value of life, recalling her journey from young girl to respected scientist. Rich in content and fascinating detail, this book is well
精準溝通,打動各別星座的關鍵「點」節省時間,效果事半功倍!★萬用指南!一本搞定12星座的老闆、同事、配偶、戀人、朋友、父母、手足、小孩★立即實用!談加薪、攬客戶、談合作、追愛情、提分手,這樣做都能順利過關一本關於「別人」的星座手冊告訴你,如何透過「別人的星座」接近他們?針對該星座的思維邏輯,說對話,做對事,攻無不克,百戰百勝!96種日常情境 X 12星座溝通攻略=1152種「精準表達」方案12星座溝通攻略之「工作篇」1.要求老闆加薪2.向老闆宣布壞消息3.替老闆安排差旅和娛樂4.老闆的決策風格5.打動老闆6.提案並對老闆做簡報7.面試或雇用員工8.宣布壞消息或解雇員工9.與員工一同差旅或娛樂10.分配任務給員工 11.激勵或打動員工12.管理、指導或指正員工13.尋求同事的建議14.向同事求助15.與同事一同差旅或娛樂16.與同事共事17.打動或激勵同事18.說服或指正同事19.打動客戶20.向客戶推銷21.客戶重視的外表和舉措22.保持客戶的興趣23.向客戶報告壞消息24.招待客戶需注意的「眉角」25.建立合夥關係26.與合夥人之間的任務分配27.與合夥人一同差旅或娛樂28.管理並指導合夥人29.與合夥人長期的合作之道30.與合夥人分道揚鑣31.反擊競爭者32.智取競爭者33.當面讓競爭者刮目相看34.對競爭者削價競爭或高價搶標35.與競爭者的公關戰爭36.向競爭者展現你的態度12星座溝通攻略之「愛情篇」37.吸引目光38.初次約會的建議39.初次約會的助興與敗興之舉40.採取「攻勢」41.打動的方法42.擺脫的方法43.與戀人進行討論44.與戀人發生爭論45.與戀人一起旅遊46.與戀人的性愛關係47.戀人的親暱表現48.戀人的幽默感49.婚禮和蜜月50.家庭和婚姻生活51.婚後的財務狀況52.不忠與脫軌53.與子女的關係54.面對離婚的態度55.遇見祕密情人56.幽會的地點57.祕密性愛58.長久保有祕密情人59.祕密歡愉60.與祕密情人分手61.與前任成為朋友62.與前任復合63.與前任討論過去的問題64.對前任表達親暱感情的程度65.界定與前任現有的關係66.要求前任分擔子女的照顧責任12星座溝通攻略之「朋友與家人篇」67.向朋友求助68.與朋友溝通和聯絡69.向朋友借錢70.向朋友徵求意見71.拜訪朋友的時機72.與朋友一起慶祝和娛樂73.與室友
Two friends discuss how different they are from each other, and each decide, after wishing they were like the other, that it's best to accept one's own individuality.